onix – Nuclear Archaeology (NAX) module

Fluence indicator identifier

These set of functions can be used to identify potential fluence indicators for nuclear archaeology in nuclea reactors.


This function plots a series of graphs containing isotopic ratios evolution and their associated relative errors on fluence for a given operation history.


This function plots a series of graphs containing isotopic ratios evolution and their associated relative errors on fluence for a selected list of provided ratios and for a given operation history.


This function builds chains of nuclides connected via (n,gamma) reactions.


This function calculates the density evolution of a (n,gamma) chain over the length of one fuel batch irradiation.

Plutonium production estimator

This function can be used to estimate plutonium production over a long operation history made of multiple fuel batches.


This function plots the plutonium production in a reactor against fluence measured in a specified NAX BUCell (typically, a region where fluence indicators are measured) and according to a provided operation history.



Batch objects store neutronics data from a coupled simulation modelling the irradiation of a fuel batch.