onix – Data and library readers

Library readers

A few functions to read text libraries and extract nuclear data as dictionnaries.


Reads a mass library and returns a Python dictionnary with nuclides’ zamid as keys and mass in grams as entries.


Reads a decay library and returns a Python dictionnary with nuclides’ zamid as keys and decay sub-dictionnaries as entries.


Converts a fractionnal decay constant dictionnary to an absolute decay constant dictionnary (fractionnal decay dictionnary stores decay constant as fraction over total decay constant, absolute decay dictionnary stores absolute values of decay constants).


Reads a constant one-group cross section library and returns a Python dictionnary with nuclides’ zamid as keys and cross section sub-dictionnaries as entries.


Reads a fission yield library and returns a Python dictionnary with fissio products’ zamid as keys and fission yield sub-dictionnaries as entries.


Builds a neutron-induced transmutation matrix from a compressed matrix stored in a text file.


Builds a decay matrix from a compressed matrix stored in a text file.


Builds a list of nuclides from a compressed matrix stored in a text file.


Reads the EAF-2010 activation transmutation neutron nuclear data library and returns a point-wise isomeric branching dictionnary for (n,gamma) reactions.