Source code for onix.utils.data_processor

from .functions import *
import ast
import re
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import as d
#import pylab

def read_nuclide_reac_rank(nuclide, step, path):

    file = open(path, 'r')
    lines = file.readlines()

    zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide)

    search = 'nuclide'
    for i in range(0,len(lines)):
        l = lines[i]
        if l == ' ==={}({}) ===\n'.format(nuclide, zamid):
            search = 'step'
        elif l == 'STEP {}\n'.format(step) and search == 'step':
            data = lines[i+2]

    data = ast.literal_eval(data)

    destruction = {}

    dest_total = 0
    for tuples in data:
        if '-' not in tuples[0]:
            if tuples[1] == 0.0:
            dest_total += tuples[1]

    for tuples in data:
        if '-' not in tuples[0]:
            if tuples[1] == 0.0:
            destruction[tuples[0]] = [tuples[1], tuples[1]/dest_total] # val and percent

    production = {}

    prod_total = 0
    for tuples in data:
        if '-' in tuples[0]:
            reaction_val = tuples[1]
            if reaction_val == 0.0:
            prod_total += reaction_val

    for tuples in data:
        if '-' in tuples[0]:
            parent = tuples[0].split()[0]
            reaction = tuples[0].split()[1]
            reaction_val = tuples[1]
            if reaction_val == 0.0:
            production[parent] = [reaction, reaction_val, reaction_val/prod_total]

    return [destruction, production]

[docs]def plot_bucell_nuclide_network(nuclide, step, path, cell, threshold): """Plots a network diagram of the destruction and production reaction rates of a specified nuclide at a given macrostep for a given BUCell. Reaction rates are in :math:`barn^{-2}cm^{-1}s^{-1}`. Production channels are indicated with the name of the parent nuclide, destruction channels are indicated with the name of the reaction. Parameters ---------- nuclide: str Name of the nuclide step: int Macrostep for which the diagram should be plotted path: str Path of the simulation directory cell: str Name of the BUCell for which the diagram should be plotted threshold: float Value under which reaction rates are not shown on diagram """ path_to_rank = path +'/output_summary/cell_{}_reacs_rank'.format(cell) file = open(path_to_rank, 'r') lines = file.readlines() zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide) print (nuclide, zamid) search = 'nuclide' for i in range(0,len(lines)): l = lines[i] if l == ' ==={}({}) ===\n'.format(nuclide, zamid): search = 'step' elif l == 'STEP {}\n'.format(step) and search == 'step': data = lines[i+2] break data = ast.literal_eval(data) destruction = {} dest_total = 0 for tuples in data: if '-' not in tuples[0]: # if tuples[1] == 0.0: # continue if tuples[1] < threshold: continue dest_total += tuples[1] for tuples in data: if '-' not in tuples[0]: # if tuples[1] == 0.0: # continue if tuples[1] < threshold: continue destruction[tuples[0]] = [tuples[1], tuples[1]/dest_total] # val and percent production = {} prod_total = 0 for tuples in data: if '-' in tuples[0]: reaction_val = tuples[1] # if reaction_val == 0.0: # continue if reaction_val < threshold: continue prod_total += reaction_val for tuples in data: if '-' in tuples[0]: parent = tuples[0].split()[0] reaction = tuples[0].split()[1] reaction_val = tuples[1] # if reaction_val == 0.0: # continue if reaction_val < threshold: continue production[parent] = [reaction, reaction_val, reaction_val/prod_total] G = nx.MultiDiGraph() for parent in production: label = '{}\n{:.2E}[{:.2%}]'.format(production[parent][0], production[parent][1], production[parent][2]) G.add_edge(parent, nuclide, label = label, length = 10) for edge in destruction: G.add_edge(nuclide, edge, label = '{:.2E}[{:.2%}]'.format(destruction[edge][0],destruction[edge][1] ), length = 10) # Get target nuclide index index = 0 for node in G.nodes(): if node == nuclide: break index += 1 edges = G.edges() edge_labels = [] edge_labels=dict([((u,v,),d['label']) for u,v,d in G.edges(data=True)]) node_color = [] for node in G.nodes(): if node == nuclide: node_color.append('mediumaquamarine') if node in production: node_color.append('lightskyblue') if node in destruction: node_color.append('darksalmon') edges = G.edges() # edge_weights = [G[u][v]['weight'] for u,v in edges] # red_edges = [('C','D'),('D','A')] # edge_colors = ['black' if not edge in red_edges else 'red' for edge in G.edges()] pos=nx.circular_layout(G, scale = 2) pos[nuclide] = np.array([0, 0]) nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G,pos,edge_labels=edge_labels) nx.draw_networkx_labels(G,pos) nx.draw_networkx_edges(G,pos, edges = edges) nx.draw(G,pos, node_size=4000, node_color = node_color, fontsize = 6)
def plot_nuclide_dens_from_passport(bucell, nuclide): """Plots the density evolution of a given nuclide (in :math:`atm barn^{-2}cm{-1}`) in a given BUCell against time (in days). This method requires that the corresonding Passport and BUCell objects are already defined in the Python environment. Parameters ---------- bucell: onix.Cell nuclide: onix.Passport """ sequence = bucell.sequence time_seq = sequence.time_seq.copy() dens_seq = nuclide.dens_seq time_seq = [i/(24*3600) for i in time_seq]# time_seq is in seconds plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, dens_seq, color = 'orange', marker = 'o') plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('Density [atm/cm3]') plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} density evolution'.format(, def plot_nuclide_dens(bucell, nuclide): path = os.getcwd() +'/{}_dens'.format(bucell) time_seq = read_time_seq(path) dens_seq = read_dens(nuclide, path) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, dens_seq, color = 'orange', marker = 'o') plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('Density [atm/cm3]') plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} density evolution'.format(bucell, nuclide))
[docs]def plot_nuclide_dens_from_path(bucell, nuclide, path_to_simulation): """Plots the density evolution of a given nuclide (in :math:`atm barn^{-2}cm{-1}`) in a given BUCell against time (in days). Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell nuclide: str Name of the nuclide path_to_simulation: str Path to simulation directory """ path = path_to_simulation + '/output_summary/{}_dens'.format(bucell) time_seq = read_time_seq(path) dens_seq = read_dens(nuclide, path) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, dens_seq, color = 'orange', marker = 'o') plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('Density [atm/cm3]') plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} density evolution'.format(bucell, nuclide))
[docs]def plot_nuclide_group_dens_from_path(bucell, nuclide_list, path_to_simulation): """Plots the total density evolution of a group of nuclides (in :math:`atm barn^{-2}cm{-1}`) in a given BUCell against time (in days). Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell nuclide_list: str List of the names of the nuclides path_to_simulation: str Path to simulation directory """ path = path_to_simulation + '/output_summary/{}_dens'.format(bucell) time_seq = read_time_seq(path) group_dens_seq = [0.0]*len(time_seq) for nuclide in nuclide_list: dens_seq = read_dens(nuclide, path) for i in range(len(group_dens_seq)): group_dens_seq[i] = group_dens_seq[i] + dens_seq[i] plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, group_dens_seq, color = 'orange', marker = 'o') plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('Density [atm/cm3]') plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} density evolution'.format(bucell, nuclide_list))
def plot_xs_time_evolution(bucell, nuclide, xs_name): path = os.getcwd() +'/{}_xs_lib'.format(bucell) time_seq = read_time_seq(path) xs_seq = read_xs(nuclide, xs_name, path) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, xs_seq, color = 'teal', marker = 'o') plt.xlabel('Time in Days') plt.ylabel('Eff. XS in barn') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} effective cross sections evolution'.format(bucell, nuclide)) def plot_xs_bu_evolution(bucell_list, nuclide, xs_name): index = 0 for bucell in bucell_list: path = os.getcwd() +'/{}_xs_lib'.format(bucell) xs_seq = read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs_name, path) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] plt.figure(1) plt.plot(bu_seq, xs_seq, color = color_list[index], marker = marker_list[index], label = bucell) index += 1 bu_seq = read_bu_seq(path) plt.xlabel('BU in MWd/kg') plt.ylabel('Eff. XS in barn') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} effective cross sections evolution'.format(nuclide, xs_name))
[docs]def plot_xs_time_evolution_from_path(bucell, nuclide, xs_name, path): """Plots the one-group cross section evolution (in barn) of a given reaction for a given nuclide in a given BUCell against time (in days). Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell nuclide_list: str Name of the nuclide xs_name: str Name of the reaction path_to_simulation: str Path to simulation directory """ time_seq = read_time_seq() xs_seq = read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs_name, path) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, xs_seq, color = 'teal', marker = 'o') plt.xlabel('Time in days') plt.ylabel('Eff. XS in barn') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} effective cross sections evolution'.format(bucell, nuclide))
[docs]def plot_xs_bu_evolution_from_path(bucell_list, nuclide, xs_name, path): """Plots the one-group cross section evolution (in barn) of a given reaction for a given nuclide in a given BUCell against burnup (MWd/kg). Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell nuclide_list: str Name of the nuclide xs_name: str Name of the reaction path_to_simulation: str Path to simulation directory """ index = 0 for bucell in bucell_list: path_xs = path +'/output_summary/{}_xs_lib'.format(bucell) xs_seq = read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs_name, path, bucell) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] plt.figure(1) bu_seq = read_bu_seq(path_xs) plt.plot(bu_seq, xs_seq, color = color_list[index], marker = marker_list[index], label = bucell) index += 1 plt.xlabel('BU in MWd/kg') plt.ylabel('Eff. XS in barn') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.title('{} {} effective cross sections evolution'.format(nuclide, xs_name))
# Compare xs evolution for the same nuclide, for various xs for different runs
[docs]def compare_xs_bu_evolution_from_path(bucell, nuclide, xs_name_list, path_list, name_list): """Plots multiple cross sections from multiple simulation directories in a series of subplots with the same burnup y-axis. Evolution of the same cross section for different simulations are plotted in the same subplots. Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell nuclide: str Name of the nuclide xs_name_list: List List of the names of the cross sections path_list: List List of the path to the different simulations' directories name_list: List of the names of the different simulations """ bu_seq_list = [] xs_seq_list = [] for path in path_list: bu_seq_list.append(read_bu_seq(path)) xs_seq_list.append([]) for xs in xs_name_list: xs_seq_list[-1].append(read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs, path)) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] # plt.figure(1) # for i in range(len(path_list)): # for j in range(len(xs_name_list)): # plt.plot(bu_seq_list[i], xs_seq_list[i][j], label = '{} {}'.format(name_list[i], xs_name_list[j])) # Three subplots sharing both x/y axes f, ax_tuple = plt.subplots(len(xs_name_list), sharex=True) ax_tuple[0].set_title('{} {} {} effective cross sections evolution'.format(bucell, nuclide, xs_name_list)) for i in range(len(xs_name_list)): for j in range(len(path_list)): ax_tuple[i].plot(bu_seq_list[j], xs_seq_list[j][i], label = name_list[j]) ax_tuple[i].set_ylabel('{} Eff. XS [barn]'.format(xs_name_list[i])) ax_tuple[i].grid() ax_tuple[i].set_xlabel('BU [MWd/kg]') # Fine-tune figure; make subplots close to each other and hide x ticks for # all but bottom plot. f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in f.axes[:-1]], visible=False) plt.legend()
[docs]def plot_kinf_from_path(path_to_simulation): """Plots the multiplication factor against time (in days). Parameters ---------- path_to_simulation: str Path to the simulation's directory """ path = path_to_simulation + '/output_summary/kinf' time_seq = read_time_seq(path) kinf_seq = read_kinf_seq(path) plt.figure(1) plt.plot(time_seq, kinf_seq) plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('kinf') plt.grid() plt.title('kinf evolution')
def plot_flux(bucell): path = os.getcwd() +'/{}_xs_lib'.format(bucell) time_seq = read_time_seq(path) flux_seq = read_flux(path) plt.figure(1) plt.step(time_seq, flux_seq, where = 'pre', color = 'blue') plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('Flux [neutron/cm3.s-1]') plt.grid() plt.title('{} neutron flux evolution'.format(bucell))
[docs]def plot_flux_from_path(bucell, path_to_simulation): """Plots the neutron flux against time (in days). Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell path_to_simulation: str Path to the simulation's directory """ path = path_to_simulation + '/output_summary/{}_dens'.format(bucell) time_seq = read_time_seq(path) flux_seq = read_flux(path) plt.figure(1) plt.step(time_seq, flux_seq, where = 'pre', color = 'blue') plt.xlabel('Time [day]') plt.ylabel('Flux [neutron/cm3.s-1]') plt.grid() plt.title('{} neutron flux evolution'.format(bucell))
[docs]def plot_flux_spectrum_bu_evolution_from_path(bucell_list, steps_list, path): """Plots the neutron spectrum for different macrosteps for multiple BUCells. Each plot represents the spectrum evolution in one BUCell. Parameters ---------- bucell_list: List List of the names of the BUCells steps_list: sList List of the macrosteps for which neutron spectrum should be plotted path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ bucell_index = 0 for bucell in bucell_list: path_flux_spectrum = path +'/{}_flux_spectrum'.format(bucell) flux_spectrum_list = read_flux_spectrum(path_flux_spectrum, steps_list) energy_mid_points = read_energy_mid_points(path_flux_spectrum) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] plt.figure(bucell_index) index = 0 for flux_spectrum in flux_spectrum_list: plt.plot(energy_mid_points, flux_spectrum, color = color_list[index], marker = marker_list[index], label=steps_list[index]) index += 1 plt.xlabel('eV') plt.ylabel('Neutron spectrum') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.title('neutron spectrum in cell {} for steps {} '.format(bucell, steps_list))
[docs]def plot_lethargy_spectrum_bu_evolution_from_path(bucell_list, steps_list, path): """Plots the neutron spectrum in lethargy units for different macrosteps for multiple BUCells. Each plot represents the spectrum evolution in one BUCell. Parameters ---------- bucell_list: List List of the names of the BUCells steps_list: List List of the macrosteps for which neutron spectrum should be plotted path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ bucell_index = 0 for bucell in bucell_list: path_flux_spectrum = path +'/output_summary/{}_flux_spectrum'.format(bucell) flux_spectrum_list = read_flux_spectrum(path_flux_spectrum, steps_list) energy_mid_points = read_energy_mid_points(path_flux_spectrum) energy_bin_length = read_energy_bin_length(path_flux_spectrum) marker_list = ['x', '+', 'o', '*', '^', 's'] color_list = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'k', 'brown', 'orange'] plt.figure(bucell_index) index = 0 for flux_spectrum in flux_spectrum_list: lethargy_spectrum = [x*y/z for x,y,z in zip(flux_spectrum, energy_mid_points, energy_bin_length)] plt.plot(energy_mid_points, lethargy_spectrum, color = color_list[index], marker = marker_list[index], label=steps_list[index]) index += 1 plt.xlabel('BU in MWd/kg') plt.ylabel('Eff. XS in barn') plt.legend() plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.grid() plt.title('neutron spectrum in cell {} for steps {} '.format(bucell, steps_list)) bucell_index += 1
[docs]def plot_xs_dens_flux(bucell, xs_nuclide, xs_name, dens_nuclide, xs_path, dens_path): """Plots the evolution of a cross section, a nuclide density and the neutron flux in a specified BUCell in three subplots witht the same y-axis in days. This plot can be useful to understand the dynamic between the neutron flux and the absorption rates of certain nuclides. Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell xs_nuclide: str Name of the nuclide for which the cross section should be plotted xs_name: str Name of the cross section to plot dens_nuclide: str Name of the nuclide for which the density should be plotted xs_path: str Path to the simulation's directory from which the cross section data should be extracted dens_path: str Path to the simulation's directory from which the nuclides density data should be extracted. The neutron flux will be taken from the same simulation. """ time_subseq = read_time_seq(dens_path) time_seq = read_time_seq(xs_path) xs_seq = read_xs_seq(xs_nuclide, xs_name, xs_path) dens_subseq = read_dens(dens_nuclide, dens_path) flux_subseq = read_flux(dens_path) # Three subplots sharing both x/y axes f, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True) ax1.plot(time_seq, xs_seq, color = 'teal', marker = 'o') ax1.set_ylabel('{}\n{} Eff. XS [barn]'.format(xs_nuclide, xs_name)) ax1.set_title('{} cell'.format(bucell)) ax1.grid() ax2.plot(time_subseq, dens_subseq, color = 'orange', marker = 'o') ax2.set_ylabel('{}\nDensity [atm/barn-cm]'.format(dens_nuclide)) ax2.grid() ax3.step(time_subseq, flux_subseq, color = 'blue') ax3.set_ylabel('Neutron flux [neutron/cm2-s]') ax3.set_xlabel('Time [day]') ax3.grid() # Fine-tune figure; make subplots close to each other and hide x ticks for # all but bottom plot. f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plt.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in f.axes[:-1]], visible=False)
# This function reads the old format for densities # Should be removed def read_time_seq_old_version(path): time_file = open(path, 'r') lines = time_file.readlines() # Find and store time for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == 'TIME': time_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] break return time_seq
[docs]def read_time_seq(path): """Reads the time sequence from a simulation's directory and returns a list of the time sequence. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ time_file = open(path, 'r') lines = time_file.readlines() # Find and store time for line in lines: print (line.split()) if line != '\n': if line.split()[2] == 'TIME': time_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[4:]] break return time_seq
[docs]def get_step_time_length_seq(path): """Creates a list with time length between each macrosteps. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ time_seq = read_time_seq(path) if time_seq[0] == 0: step_time_length = [x-y for x,y in zip(time_seq[1:], time_seq[:-1])] else: step_time_length = [time_seq[0]] + [x-y for x,y in zip(time_seq[1:], time_seq[:-1])] return step_time_length
[docs]def read_bu_seq(path): """Reads the burnup sequence from a simulation's directory and returns a list of the burnup sequence. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ bu_file = open(path, 'r') lines = bu_file.readlines() # Find and store time for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == 'SYSTEM-BU': bu_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] break return bu_seq
[docs]def read_kinf_seq(path): """Reads the multiplication factor evolution from a simulation's directory and returns a list of the multiplication factor evolution. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ kinf_file = open(path, 'r') lines = kinf_file.readlines() for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == 'K-INF': kinf_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] break return kinf_seq
[docs]def read_flux(path): """Reads the macrostep-wise neutron flux evolution from a simulation's directory and returns a list with the neutron flux evolution. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ flux_file = open(path, 'r') lines = flux_file.readlines() for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == 'FLUX': flux_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] break # Add an initial 0 for the flux to have same len for flux_seq and time_seq flux_seq = [0] + flux_seq return flux_seq
[docs]def read_flux_subseq(path): """Reads the microstep-wise neutron flux evolution from a simulation's directory and returns a list with the neutron flux evolution. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ flux_file = open(path, 'r') lines = flux_file.readlines() for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == 'FLUX': flux_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] break return flux_seq
[docs]def get_fluence_seq(path, cell): """Returns a list with the macrostep-wise fluence evolution in a specificed BUCell Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ dens_file = path +'/output_summary/{}_dens'.format(cell) flux_seq = read_flux(dens_file) time_seq = read_time_seq(dens_file) #Reminder: flux starts with 0 fluence_seq = [0] pre_time = 0 for i in range(1, len(time_seq)): time = time_seq[i] flux = flux_seq[i] time_int = (time-pre_time)*24*3600 fluence_seq.append(time_int*flux + fluence_seq[i-1]) pre_time = time return fluence_seq
[docs]def get_fluence_subseq(path, cell): """Returns a list with the microstep-wise fluence evolution in a specificed BUCell Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ subdens_file = path +'/{}_subdens'.format(cell) flux_subseq = read_flux(subdens_file) # Subdens output not yet under new format time_subseq = read_time_seq_old_version(subdens_file) #Reminder: flux starts with 0 fluence_subseq = [0] pre_time = 0 for i in range(1, len(time_subseq)): time = time_subseq[i] flux = flux_subseq[i] time_int = (time-pre_time)*24*3600 fluence_subseq.append(time_int*flux + fluence_subseq[i-1]) pre_time = time return fluence_subseq
[docs]def read_flux_spectrum(path, steps_list): """Reads the neutron flux spectra for multiple macrosteps from a flux spectrum output file and returns it in a list. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the neutron flux spectrum output file step_list: List List of macrostep for which spectra should be read """ flux_spectrum_file = open(path, 'r') lines = flux_spectrum_file.readlines() flux_spectrum_list = [] step_count = 0 for line in lines[6:]: # The flux spectrum data always start at the 6th line if step_count in steps_list: flux_spectrum_list.append([float(x) for x in line.split()[3:]]) step_count += 1 return flux_spectrum_list
[docs]def read_energy_mid_points(path): """Reads the mid-points of the energy groups against which the multi-group neutron flux is stored and returns it in a list. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the neutron flux spectrum output file """ flux_spectrum_file = open(path, 'r') lines = flux_spectrum_file.readlines() energy_mid_points = [float(x) for x in lines[2].split()[1:]] return energy_mid_points
[docs]def read_energy_bin_length(path): """Reads the energy interval of each energy bin group used to store the multi-group neutron flux and returns it in a list. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the neutron flux spectrum output file """ flux_spectrum_file = open(path, 'r') lines = flux_spectrum_file.readlines() energy_bin_length = [float(x) for x in lines[1].split()[1:]] return energy_bin_length
[docs]def read_dens(nuclide, path): """Reads the density (in :math:`atm barn^{-2}cm^{-1}`) of a specified nuclide from the provided density file. Parameters ---------- nuclide: str Name of the nuclide path: str Path to the density file """ zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide) dens_seq = [] dens_file = open(path, 'r') lines = dens_file.readlines() for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[1] == zamid: dens_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[2:]] break return dens_seq
# For simulations using old output format def read_dens_old_version(nuclide, path): zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide) dens_seq = [] dens_file = open(path, 'r') lines = dens_file.readlines() for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == zamid: dens_seq = [float(x) for x in line.split()[1:]] break return dens_seq # cumulative dens # This is not correct and should be deleted def get_cum_dens(nuclide, path): dens_seq = read_dens(nuclide, path) cum_dens_seq = [] cum_dens_seq.append(dens_seq[0]) for i in range(1, len(dens_seq)): cum_dens_seq.append(dens_seq[i] + cum_dens_seq[i-1]) return cum_dens_seq # This is not correct and should be deleted def convert_dens_seq_to_cum_dens_seq(dens_seq): cum_dens_seq = [] cum_dens_seq.append(dens_seq[0]) for i in range(1, len(dens_seq)): cum_dens_seq.append(dens_seq[i] + cum_dens_seq[i-1]) return cum_dens_seq # This should be in utils.functions # It has been moved to functions # def get_nucl_atomic_mass(nucl): # zamid = name_to_zamid(nucl) # zaid = zamid[:-1] # if zaid in d.default_atm_mass_lib: # M = d.default_atm_mass_lib[zaid] # else: # M = int(get_zamid_a(zamid)) # return M # calculate total density at certain step
[docs]def get_total_density(path, cell, step): """Returns the total density of the material (in :math:`atm barn^{-2}cm^{-1}`) in a BUCell at a given macrostep. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell step: int Macrostep number """ nucl_name_list = read_dens_nucl(path, cell) dens_path = path+'/{}_dens'.format(cell) dens_file = open(dens_path ) total_density = 0 for nucl in nucl_name_list: dens = read_dens(nucl, dens_path)[step] total_density += dens return total_density
# calculate total mass density at certain step
[docs]def get_total_mass_density(path, cell, step): """Returns the total mass density of the material (in :math:`g cm^{-3}`) in a BUCell at a given macrostep. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell step: int Macrostep number """ nucl_name_list = read_dens_nucl(path, cell) dens_path = path+'/{}_dens'.format(cell) dens_file = open(dens_path ) NA = d.NA total_mass_density = 0 for nucl in nucl_name_list: dens = read_dens(nucl, dens_path)[step] M = get_nucl_atomic_mass(nucl) mass_density = dens*(M/NA) total_mass_density += mass_density return total_mass_density
# cumulative plutonium production # This is not correct and should be deleted def get_cum_pu_subseq_mat(path, cell, EFPD): path = path +'/{}_subdens'.format(cell) name_list = ['Pu-238', 'Pu-239', 'Pu-240', 'Pu-241', 'Pu-242', 'Pu-243'] final_substep =find_substep_from_time(path, cell, EFPD) time_subseq = read_time_seq(path) t_before = time_subseq[final_substep] t_after = time_subseq[final_substep+1] cum_pu_subseq_mat = [] for name in name_list: dens_subseq = read_dens(name, path) dens_subseq_until_time = dens_subseq[:final_substep+1] dens_before = dens_subseq[final_substep] dens_after = dens_subseq[final_substep+1] pair1 = [t_before, dens_before] pair2 = [t_after, dens_after] interpolated_dens = interpolation_between_two_points(pair1, pair2, EFPD) dens_subseq = dens_subseq_until_time + [interpolated_dens] cum_dens_subseq = convert_dens_seq_to_cum_dens_seq(dens_sbuseq) cum_pu_subseq_mat.append(cum_dens_subseq) return cum_pu_subseq_mat # linear interpolation between two points # This should be in utils.function # # It has been moved to utils.function # def interpolation_between_two_points(pair1, pair2, x): # a = (pair2[1] - pair1[1])/(pair2[0] - pair1[0]) # b = (pair1[1]*pair2[0] - pair1[0]*pair2[1])/(pair2[0] - pair1[0]) # y = a*x+b # return y
[docs]def read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs_name, path, cell): """Reads the cross section evolution (in barn) for a specified reactions for a given nuclide in a given BUCell and returns it in a list. Parameters ---------- nuclide: str Name of the nuclide xs_name: str Name of the cross section path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ path = path + '/output_summary/{}_xs_lib'.format(cell) zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide) xs_name_found = 'no' xs_file = open(path, 'r') lines = xs_file.readlines() # Search for the line line_index = 0 for line in lines: if line != '\n': if line.split()[0] == nuclide: break line_index += 1 # First line needs to be treated differently if lines[line_index].split()[2] == xs_name: xs_name_found = 'yes' xs_seq= [float(x) for x in lines[line_index].split()[3:]] xs_loop = line_index+1 while lines[xs_loop].split()[0] == zamid: if lines[xs_loop].split()[1] == xs_name: xs_name_found = 'yes' xs_seq = [float(x) for x in lines[xs_loop].split()[2:]] xs_loop += 1 if xs_name_found == 'no': raise xs_name_not_found("nuclide {} has no data for cross section {}".format(nuclide, xs_name)) else: return xs_seq
[docs]def get_time_averaged_xs(nuclide, xs_name, path, cell): """Computes time-averaged cross section (in barn) for a specified reactions for a given nuclide in a given BUCell. Parameters ---------- nuclide: str Name of the nuclide xs_name: str Name of the cross section path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ xs_lib_path = path + '/{}_dens'.format(cell) xs_seq = read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs_name, xs_lib_path, cell) dens_path = path + '/{}_dens'.format(cell) time_seq = read_time_seq(dens_path) tot_time = time_seq[-1] av_xs = 0 for i in range(len(xs_seq)): xs = xs_seq[i] time_bos = time_seq[i] time_eos = time_seq[i+1] time_coeff = (time_eos - time_bos)/tot_time av_xs += xs*time_coeff return av_xs
[docs]def get_time_averaged_flux(path, cell): """Computes the time-averaged neutron flux (in :math:`cm^{-2}s^{-1}`) in a given BUCell. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ xs_lib_path = path + '/{}_dens'.format(cell) flux_seq = read_flux(xs_lib_path) time_seq = read_time_seq(xs_lib_path) tot_time = time_seq[-1] av_flux = 0 for i in range(len(flux_seq)-1): flux = flux_seq[i+1] time_bos = time_seq[i] time_eos = time_seq[i+1] time_coeff = (time_eos - time_bos)/tot_time av_flux += flux*time_coeff return av_flux
[docs]def get_tot_xs(nuclide, path, cell): """Computes the total one-group cross section evolution (in barn) for a specified nuclide in a given BUCell. Parameters ---------- nuclide: str Name of the nuclide path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ xs_name_list = ['fission','(n,gamma)','(n,2n)','(n,3n)','(n,p)','(n,a)','(n,gamma)X'] tot_xs_seq = [] i = 0 for xs_name in xs_name_list: try: xs_seq = read_xs_seq(nuclide, xs_name, path, cell) except xs_name_not_found: continue if i == 0: tot_xs_seq = xs_seq else: tot_xs_seq = [x+y for x,y in zip(tot_xs_seq,xs_seq)] i += 1 return tot_xs_seq
# This method list all nuclides that are present in xs lib
[docs]def read_xs_nucl(path, bucell): """Returns the list of nuclides for which one-group cross sections have been calculated during a simulation in a given BUCell. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ path = path +'/output_summary/{}_xs_lib'.format(bucell) xs_lib_file = open(path) lines = xs_lib_file.readlines() nucl_name_list = [] for line in lines: if line == '\n': continue line = line.split() if line[0].split('-')[0] in d.nuc_name_dic: nucl_name_list.append(line[0]) xs_lib_file.close() return nucl_name_list
# make a list of all nuclide present in the dens_file
[docs]def read_dens_nucl(path, cell): """Returns the list of nuclides for which densities have been calculated during a simulation in a given BUCell. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory cell: str Name of the BUCell """ dens_path = path + '/{}_dens'.format(cell) dens_file = open(dens_path, 'r') lines = dens_file.readlines() nucl_zamid_list = [] for line in lines[7:]: line = line.split() nucl_zamid_list.append(line[0]) dens_file.close() nucl_name_list = zamid_list_to_name_list(nucl_zamid_list) return nucl_name_list
[docs]def rank_nuclide_per_dens(bucell, step_list, path): """Print a ranking of nuclides in a BUCell according to their densities for multiple macrosteps in a text file. Parameters ---------- bucell: str Name of the BUCell step_list: List List of macrostep numbers path: str Path to the simulation's directory """ dens_path = path +'/output_summary' + '/{}_dens'.format(bucell) dens_file = open(dens_path, 'r') lines = dens_file.readlines() dens_list_per_step = [] for step in step_list: dens_dict = {} # Data starts at 8th line for line in lines[7:]: line = line.split() dens_dict[line[0]] = float(line[step+1]) # for key, value in sorted(dens_dict.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k)): # print ("%s: %s" % (key, value)) sorted_dens_dict = sorted(dens_dict.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True) dens_list_per_step.append(sorted_dens_dict) dens_file.close() cwd = os.getcwd() sorted_dens_file = open('ranked dens', 'w') txt = '' for step in step_list: txt += '{:<20}'.format(step) txt += '\n\n' for i in range(len(dens_list_per_step[0])): for step in step_list: dens_list = dens_list_per_step[step] txt += '{:<8}{:<12.2E}'.format(dens_list[i][0], dens_list[i][1]) txt += '\n' sorted_dens_file.write(txt) sorted_dens_file.close()
# This function is broken def rank_nuclide_per_reac_rate(bucell, step_list, path, file_name): dens_path = path +'/output_summary' + '/{}_dens'.format(bucell) dens_file = open(dens_path, 'r') xs_path = path +'/output_summary' + '/{}_xs_lib'.format(bucell) xs_file = open(xs_path, 'r') # Read densities lines = dens_file.readlines() dens_dict_per_step = [] for step in step_list: dens_dict = {} # Data starts at 8th line for line in lines[7:]: line = line.split() name = zamid_to_name(line[0]) dens_dict[name] = float(line[step+1]) dens_dict_per_step.append(dens_dict) # Read xs lines = xs_file.readlines() xs_dict_per_step = [] for step in step_list: xs_dict = {} count = 0 # Data starts at 8th line for line in lines[7:]: if line == '\n': continue line = line.split() if line[0].split('-')[0] in d.nuc_name_dic: # For first data, you need to read data first if count == 0: nucl_name = line[0] abs_xs = float(line[step+3]) # Reached new nuclide, need to store data else: xs_dict[nucl_name] = abs_xs nucl_name = line[0] abs_xs = float(line[step+3]) else: abs_xs += float(line[step+2]) count += 1 xs_dict_per_step.append(xs_dict) flux_per_step = [] flux_seq = read_flux(dens_path) for step in step_list: flux_per_step.append(flux_seq[step+1]) # flux starts with 0 # Now we will go over each nuclide in the dict per step and multiply xs with density #print (xs_dict_per_step) sorted_reac_dict_per_step = [] total_abs_per_step = [] for step in range(len(step_list)): dens_dict = dens_dict_per_step[step] xs_dict = xs_dict_per_step[step] reac_dict = {} for nucl in xs_dict: if nucl in dens_dict: nucl_dens = dens_dict[nucl] nucl_xs = xs_dict[nucl] reac_rate = nucl_dens*nucl_xs reac_dict[nucl] = reac_rate # Create a sorted list of tuples sorted_reac_tuple = sorted(reac_dict.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1], reverse=True) sorted_reac_dict_per_step.append(sorted_reac_tuple) total_abs = 0 for i in sorted_reac_tuple: total_abs += i[1] total_abs_per_step.append(total_abs) dens_file.close() xs_file.close() cwd = os.getcwd() sorted_reac_file = open('{} ranked react'.format(file_name), 'w') txt = '' for step in step_list: txt += '{:<20}'.format(step) txt += '\n\n' for step in range(len(step_list)): txt += 'flux={:<10.5E}'.format(flux_per_step[step]) txt += '\n' for step in range(len(step_list)): txt += 'tot-abs={:<10.5E}'.format(total_abs_per_step[step]) txt += '\n\n' for i in range(len(sorted_reac_dict_per_step[0])): for step in range(len(step_list)): reac_tuple_list = sorted_reac_dict_per_step[step] txt += '{:<8}{:<12.2E}'.format(reac_tuple_list[i][0], reac_tuple_list[i][1]) txt += '\n' sorted_reac_file.write(txt) sorted_reac_file.close() def plot_matrix_from_compressed_matrix(path, step, cell): path_to_xs = path +'/step_{}'.format(step) +'/{}_cell'.format(cell) +'/matrix/xs_mat' path_to_decay = path +'/step_{}'.format(step) +'/{}_cell'.format(cell) +'/matrix/decay_mat' file_xs = open(path_to_xs, 'r') file_decay = open(path_to_decay, 'r') lines_xs = file_xs.readlines() lines_decay = file_decay.readlines() plt.figure(1) count = 0 # x_vect = [i for i in range(len(lines))] for i in range(len(lines_xs)): line_xs = lines_xs[i] line_decay = lines_decay[i] zamid = line_xs.split('|')[0] line_elt_xs = line_xs.split(':')[1] elts_xs = line_elt_xs.split(',')[:-1] # Last element empty because of last coma in each line current_line_xs = [] current_x_vect_xs = [] elt_val_xs = len(lines_xs) - count # The value assigned is the index of the nuclide starting from the last for elt_xs in elts_xs: elt_index = int(elt_xs.split()[0]) current_x_vect_xs .append(elt_index) current_line_xs.append(elt_val_xs) if i == len(lines_xs)-1: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_xs , current_line_xs , marker='s', color = 'k', s = 4, label = 'cross section') else: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_xs , current_line_xs , marker='s', color = 'k', s = 4) line_elt_decay = line_decay.split(':')[1] elts_decay = line_elt_decay.split(',')[:-1] # Last element empty because of last coma in each line current_line_decay = [] current_x_vect_decay = [] elt_val_decay = len(lines_decay) - count # The value assigned is the index of the nuclide starting from the last for elt_decay in elts_decay: elt_index = int(elt_decay.split()[0]) current_x_vect_decay.append(elt_index) current_line_decay.append(elt_val_decay) if i == len(lines_xs)-1: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_decay , current_line_decay , marker='+', color = 'r', s = 4, label = 'decay') else: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_decay , current_line_decay , marker='+', color = 'r', s = 4) #mat.append(current_line) count += 1 file_xs.close() file_decay.close() plt.legend()
[docs]def plot_matrix_bysign_from_compressed_matrix(path, step, cell): """Plots the transmuation matrix for a given BUCell at a given macrostep. Negative elements are in black while positive elements are in red. Parameters ---------- path: str Path to the simulation's directory step: int Macrostep number cell: str Name of the BUCell """'dark_background') path_to_xs = path +'/step_{}'.format(step) +'/{}_cell'.format(cell) +'/matrix/xs_mat' path_to_decay = path +'/step_{}'.format(step) +'/{}_cell'.format(cell) +'/matrix/decay_mat' file_xs = open(path_to_xs, 'r') file_decay = open(path_to_decay, 'r') lines_xs = file_xs.readlines() lines_decay = file_decay.readlines() size = 0.8 plt.figure(1, figsize=(7.3,5.5)) count = 0 # x_vect = [i for i in range(len(lines))] for i in range(len(lines_xs)): line_xs = lines_xs[i] line_decay = lines_decay[i] zamid = line_xs.split('|')[0] line_elt_xs = line_xs.split(':')[1] elts_xs = line_elt_xs.split(',')[:-1] # Last element empty because of last coma in each line current_line_xs = [] current_x_vect_xs = [] #elt_val_xs = len(lines_xs) - count # The value assigned is the index of the nuclide starting from the last elt_val_xs = count for elt_xs in elts_xs[1:]: elt_index = int(elt_xs.split()[0]) current_x_vect_xs .append(elt_index) current_line_xs.append(elt_val_xs) if i == len(lines_xs)-1: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_xs , current_line_xs , marker='s', color = 'red', s = size, label = 'Production terms') else: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_xs , current_line_xs , marker='s', color = 'red', s = size) line_elt_decay = line_decay.split(':')[1] elts_decay = line_elt_decay.split(',')[:-1] # Last element empty because of last coma in each line current_line_decay = [] current_x_vect_decay = [] #elt_val_decay = len(lines_decay) - count # The value assigned is the index of the nuclide starting from the last elt_val_decay = count for elt_decay in elts_decay: elt_index = int(elt_decay.split()[0]) current_x_vect_decay.append(elt_index) current_line_decay.append(elt_val_decay) if i == len(lines_xs)-1: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_decay , current_line_decay , marker='s', color = 'red', s = size) else: plt.scatter(current_x_vect_decay , current_line_decay , marker='s', color = 'red', s = size) #mat.append(current_line) count += 1 # cover diag elt for i in range(len(lines_xs)): if i == 0: plt.scatter([i], [i], marker='s', color = 'black', s = size, label = 'Destruction terms') else: plt.scatter([i], [i], marker='s', color = 'black', s = size) file_xs.close() file_decay.close() plt.tick_params(labelsize=14) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.ylabel('Row index', fontsize=16) plt.xlabel('Column index', fontsize=16) plt.legend(prop={'size': 15}, markerscale = 6) plt.grid(color = 'darkgray')
[docs]def plot_nuclide_chart_color_per_nuclear_data(decay_path, fy_path, path_to_xs_xml): """Plots a chart of the nuclide where nuclides are colored only if present in the decay, cross section or fission yield library. Different colors are used to indicate that a nuclide has data in the decay, cross section or fission yield library. The Parameters ---------- decay_path: str Path to a decay library fy_path: str Path to a fission yield library """ fy_dict = d.read_fy_lib(fy_path) fy_unordered_keys = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict) fy_nucl_list = order_nuclide_per_z(fy_unordered_keys) decay_dict = d.read_decay_lib(decay_path) decay_unordered_keys = get_keylist_from_dict(decay_dict) decay_nucl_list = order_nuclide_per_z(decay_unordered_keys) MC_xs_nucl_name_list = get_openmc_xs_nucl_list(path_to_xs_xml) xs_nucl_list_name_list = mc_namelist_to_bu_namelist(MC_xs_nucl_name_list) xs_nucl_list = name_list_to_zamid_list(xs_nucl_list_name_list) xs_nucl_list = order_nuclide_per_z(xs_nucl_list) NAX_nucl_list = d.NAX_nucl_list orphan_NAX_z = [] orphan_NAX_n = [] only_decay_z = [] only_decay_n = [] only_decay_NAX_z = [] only_decay_NAX_n = [] only_fy_z = [] only_fy_n = [] only_fy_NAX_z = [] only_fy_NAX_n = [] only_xs_z = [] only_xs_n = [] only_xs_NAX_z = [] only_xs_NAX_n = [] only_xs_zamid = [] decay_xs_z = [] decay_xs_n = [] decay_xs_NAX_z = [] decay_xs_NAX_n = [] decay_fy_z = [] decay_fy_n = [] decay_fy_NAX_z = [] decay_fy_NAX_n = [] xs_fy_z = [] xs_fy_n = [] xs_fy_NAX_z = [] xs_fy_NAX_n = [] decay_xs_fy_z = [] decay_xs_fy_n = [] decay_xs_fy_NAX_z = [] decay_xs_fy_NAX_n = [] for decay_zamid in decay_nucl_list: if get_zamid_s(decay_zamid) == 1: continue in_fy = 'no' for fy_zamid in fy_nucl_list: if fy_zamid == decay_zamid: in_fy = 'yes' break in_xs = 'no' for xs_zamid in xs_nucl_list: if xs_zamid == decay_zamid: in_xs = 'yes' break in_NAX = 'no' for NAX_zamid in NAX_nucl_list: if NAX_zamid == decay_zamid: in_NAX = 'yes' break if in_fy =='no' and in_xs =='no' and in_NAX =='no': only_decay_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) only_decay_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='no' and in_xs =='no' and in_NAX =='yes': only_decay_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) only_decay_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='yes' and in_xs =='no' and in_NAX =='no': decay_fy_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) decay_fy_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='yes' and in_xs =='no' and in_NAX =='yes': decay_fy_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) decay_fy_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='no' and in_xs =='yes' and in_NAX =='no': decay_xs_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) decay_xs_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='no' and in_xs =='yes' and in_NAX =='yes': decay_xs_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) decay_xs_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='yes' and in_xs =='yes' and in_NAX =='no': decay_xs_fy_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) decay_xs_fy_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) if in_fy =='yes' and in_xs =='yes' and in_NAX =='yes': decay_xs_fy_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid)) decay_xs_fy_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid)) for fy_zamid in fy_nucl_list: if get_zamid_s(fy_zamid) == '1': continue in_xs = 'no' for xs_zamid in xs_nucl_list: if fy_zamid == xs_zamid: in_xs = 'yes' break in_decay = 'no' for decay_zamid in decay_nucl_list: if fy_zamid == decay_zamid: in_decay = 'yes' break in_NAX = 'no' for NAX_zamid in NAX_nucl_list: if fy_zamid == NAX_zamid: in_NAX = 'yes' break if in_xs =='no' and in_decay =='no' and in_NAX =='no': only_fy_z.append(get_zamid_z(fy_zamid)) only_fy_n.append(get_zamid_n(fy_zamid)) if in_xs =='no' and in_decay =='no' and in_NAX =='yes': only_fy_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(fy_zamid)) only_fy_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(fy_zamid)) if in_xs =='yes' and in_decay =='no' and in_NAX =='no': xs_fy_z.append(get_zamid_z(fy_zamid)) xs_fy_n.append(get_zamid_n(fy_zamid)) if in_xs =='yes' and in_decay =='no' and in_NAX =='yes': xs_fy_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(fy_zamid)) xs_fy_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(fy_zamid)) for xs_zamid in xs_nucl_list: if get_zamid_s(xs_zamid) == '1': continue in_decay = 'no' for decay_zamid in decay_nucl_list: if xs_zamid == decay_zamid: in_decay = 'yes' break in_fy = 'no' for fy_zamid in fy_nucl_list: if xs_zamid == fy_zamid: in_fy = 'yes' break in_NAX = 'no' for NAX_zamid in NAX_nucl_list: if xs_zamid == NAX_zamid: in_NAX = 'yes' break if in_fy =='no' and in_decay =='no' and in_NAX =='no': only_xs_z.append(get_zamid_z(xs_zamid)) only_xs_n.append(get_zamid_n(xs_zamid)) if in_fy =='no' and in_decay =='no' and in_NAX =='yes': only_xs_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(xs_zamid)) only_xs_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(xs_zamid)) for NAX_zamid in NAX_nucl_list: if get_zamid_s(NAX_zamid) == '1': continue in_decay = 'no' for decay_zamid in decay_nucl_list: if NAX_zamid == decay_zamid: in_decay = 'yes' break in_fy = 'no' for fy_zamid in fy_nucl_list: if NAX_zamid == fy_zamid: in_fy = 'yes' break in_xs = 'no' for xs_zamid in xs_nucl_list: if NAX_zamid == xs_zamid: in_xs = 'yes' break if in_fy =='no' and in_decay =='no' and in_xs =='no': orphan_NAX_z.append(get_zamid_z(NAX_zamid)) orphan_NAX_n.append(get_zamid_n(NAX_zamid)) # for i in range(len(decay_fy_n)): # if decay_fy_n[i] == 52 and decay_fy_z[i] ==41: # print (i) # print ('410920 in decay_fy') # for i in range(len(decay_xs_fy_NAX_n)): # if decay_xs_fy_NAX_n[i] == 52 and decay_xs_fy_NAX_z[i] ==41: # print (i) # print ('410920 in decay_xs_fy_NAX') size = 13 # setup the plot plt.figure(1) plt.scatter(only_decay_n, only_decay_z, marker = 's', color='k', label = 'decay only', s = size) plt.scatter(only_decay_NAX_n, only_decay_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='k', label = 'decay only NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(only_xs_n, only_xs_z, marker = 's', color='gold', label = 'xs only', s = size) plt.scatter(only_xs_NAX_n, only_xs_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='gold', label = 'xs only NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(only_fy_n, only_fy_z, marker = 's', color='pink', label = 'fy only', s = size) plt.scatter(only_fy_NAX_n, only_fy_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='pink', label = 'fy only NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(decay_fy_n, decay_fy_z, marker = 's', color='b', label = 'decay & fy', s = size) plt.scatter(decay_fy_NAX_n, decay_fy_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='b', label = 'decay & fy NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(decay_xs_n, decay_xs_z, marker = 's', color='lime', label = 'decay & xs', s = size) plt.scatter(decay_xs_NAX_n, decay_xs_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='lime', label = 'decay & xs NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(xs_fy_n, xs_fy_z, marker = 's', color='fuchsia', label = 'xs & fy', s = size) plt.scatter(xs_fy_NAX_n, xs_fy_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='fuchsia', label = 'xs & fy NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(decay_xs_fy_n, decay_xs_fy_z, marker = 's', color='r', label = 'decay xs fy', s = size) plt.scatter(decay_xs_fy_NAX_n, decay_xs_fy_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='r', label = 'decay xs fy NAX', s = size) plt.scatter(orphan_NAX_n, orphan_NAX_z, marker = '.', color='grey', label = 'orphan NAX', s = size) plt.title('Nuclide colored per data availability\nNAX nuclides included') plt.xlabel('N') plt.ylabel('Z') plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='k', linestyle='-') plt.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='r', linestyle='-', alpha=0.2, markevery=50) plt.minorticks_on() # plt.grid('on') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.legend() #plt.set_minor_frequency(2) # for i, txt in enumerate(label_list): # plt.annotate(txt, (a_list1[i], z_list1[i]))
[docs]def plot_compare_two_nuclear_data_on_nuclide_chart(decay_path1, fy_path1,decay_path2, fy_path2, path_to_xs_xml): """Plots a chart of the nuclide where nuclides are colored only if present in the decay, cross section or fission yield library. Black color indicates that the nuclide has data in decay_path1 or fy_path1. Red color indicates that nuclide has data in decay_path2 or fy_path2 (or both in libraries 1 and 2). Parameters ---------- decay_path1: str Path to decay library 1 fy_path1: str Path to fission yield library 1 decay_path2: str Path to decay library 2 fy_path2: str Path to fission yield library 2 path_to_xs_xml: str Path to the cross_sections.xml file in a cross section library """ fy_dict1 = d.read_fy_lib(fy_path1) fy_unordered_keys1 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict1) fy_nucl_list1 = order_nuclide_per_z(fy_unordered_keys1) decay_dict1 = d.read_decay_lib(decay_path1) decay_unordered_keys1 = get_keylist_from_dict(decay_dict1) decay_nucl_list1 = order_nuclide_per_z(decay_unordered_keys1) fy_dict2 = d.read_fy_lib(fy_path2) fy_unordered_keys2 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict2) fy_nucl_list2 = order_nuclide_per_z(fy_unordered_keys2) decay_dict2 = d.read_decay_lib(decay_path2) decay_unordered_keys2 = get_keylist_from_dict(decay_dict2) decay_nucl_list2 = order_nuclide_per_z(decay_unordered_keys2) MC_xs_nucl_name_list = get_openmc_xs_nucl_list(path_to_xs_xml) xs_nucl_list_name_list = mc_namelist_to_bu_namelist(MC_xs_nucl_name_list) xs_nucl_list = name_list_to_zamid_list(xs_nucl_list_name_list) xs_nucl_list = order_nuclide_per_z(xs_nucl_list) NAX_nucl_list = d.NAX_nucl_list decay_z1 = [] decay_n1 = [] fy_z1 = [] fy_n1 = [] decay_z2 = [] decay_n2 = [] fy_z2 = [] fy_n2 = [] xs_z2 = [] xs_n2 = [] NAX_z2 = [] NAX_n2 = [] for decay_zamid1 in decay_nucl_list1: if get_zamid_s(decay_zamid1) == 1: continue decay_z1.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid1)) decay_n1.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid1)) for fy_zamid1 in fy_nucl_list1: if get_zamid_s(fy_zamid1) == '1': continue fy_z1.append(get_zamid_z(fy_zamid1)) fy_n1.append(get_zamid_n(fy_zamid1)) for decay_zamid2 in decay_nucl_list2: if get_zamid_s(decay_zamid2) == 1: continue decay_z2.append(get_zamid_z(decay_zamid2)) decay_n2.append(get_zamid_n(decay_zamid2)) for fy_zamid2 in fy_nucl_list2: if get_zamid_s(fy_zamid2) == '1': continue fy_z2.append(get_zamid_z(fy_zamid2)) fy_n2.append(get_zamid_n(fy_zamid2)) for xs_zamid2 in xs_nucl_list: if get_zamid_s(xs_zamid2) == '1': continue xs_z2.append(get_zamid_z(xs_zamid2)) xs_n2.append(get_zamid_n(xs_zamid2)) for NAX_zamid2 in NAX_nucl_list: if get_zamid_s(NAX_zamid2) == '1': continue NAX_z2.append(get_zamid_z(NAX_zamid2)) NAX_n2.append(get_zamid_n(NAX_zamid2)) size = 13 # setup the plot plt.figure(1,figsize=(7.3,5.5)) # Plot nuclear data 1 plt.scatter(decay_n1, decay_z1, marker = 's', color='k', label = 'Full', s = size) plt.scatter(fy_n1, fy_z1, marker = 's', color='k', s = size) plt.scatter(xs_n2, xs_z2, marker = 's', color='k',s = size) #plt.scatter(NAX_n2, NAX_z2, marker = 's', color='k', s = size) # Plot nuclear data 2 plt.scatter(decay_n2, decay_z2, marker = 's', color='r', label = 'Reduced', s = size) plt.scatter(fy_n2, fy_z2, marker = 's', color='r', s = size) plt.scatter(xs_n2, xs_z2, marker = 's', color='r',s = size) #plt.scatter(NAX_n2, NAX_z2, marker = 's', color='b', s = size, label = 'Archaeology') plt.xlabel('Number of neutrons', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Number of protons', fontsize=16) plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='k', linestyle='-') plt.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='r', linestyle='-', alpha=0.2, markevery=50) plt.minorticks_on() plt.tick_params(labelsize=14) # plt.grid('on') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.legend(prop={'size': 15}) #plt.set_minor_frequency(2) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.21, bottom=0.110, right=0.98, top=0.98) # for i, txt in enumerate(label_list): # plt.annotate(txt, (a_list1[i], z_list1[i]))
def plot_nuclide_chart_compare_fy(lib1_path, lib2_path, fissile_parent): fy_dict1 = d.read_fy_lib(lib1_path) fy_dict2 = d.read_fy_lib(lib2_path) unordered_keys1 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict1) unordered_keys2 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict2) ordered_keys1 = order_nuclide_per_z(unordered_keys1) ordered_keys2 = order_nuclide_per_z(unordered_keys2) rel_diff = [] label_list = [] nucl_list = [] fy_list1 = [] fy_list2 = [] # sum over fy in list 1 for nuclide in ordered_keys1: fy_1 = fy_dict1[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] fy_list1.append(fy_1) # sum over fy in list 2 for nuclide in ordered_keys2: fy_2 = fy_dict2[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] fy_list2.append(fy_2) for nuclide in ordered_keys1: if nuclide in ordered_keys2: fy_1 = fy_dict1[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] fy_2 = fy_dict2[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] if fy_1 == 0 and fy_2 == 0: label = 'both = 0' rel_diff_val = 0 elif fy_1 == 0 and fy_2 != 0: # if fy1 = 0 but fy2 != 1, set label to 100%. The inverse situation yield - 100% label = 'ori = 0' rel_diff_val = 0 elif fy_1 != 0 and fy_2 == 0: # if fy1 = 0 but fy2 != 1, set label to 100%. The inverse situation yield - 100% label = 'jef33 = 0' rel_diff_val = 0 else: rel_diff_val = (fy_2 - fy_1)*100/fy_1 if abs(rel_diff_val) > 500: rel_diff_val = 500*abs(rel_diff_val)/rel_diff_val # set value to 500 or -500 label = '{:4.2E}'.format((fy_2 - fy_1)*100/fy_1) # if rel_diff_val == 0: # rel_diff_log.append(abs(rel_diff_val)) # rel_diff.append(rel_diff_val) # else: rel_diff.append(rel_diff_val) label_list.append(label) nucl_list.append(nuclide) not_in_jeff33_zamid = [] for zamid in ordered_keys1: if zamid not in ordered_keys2: not_in_jeff33_zamid.append(zamid) not_in_endf4_zamid = [] for zamid in ordered_keys2: if zamid not in ordered_keys1: not_in_endf4_zamid.append(zamid) # test if not_in list overlap for zamid in nuclide: if zamid in not_in_endf4_zamid: print (zamid) if zamid in not_in_jeff33_zamid: print (zamid) # loop over the z # z list for lib 1 z_list1 = [] for zamid in ordered_keys1: if zamid in ordered_keys2: z = get_zamid_z(zamid) z_list1.append(z) # loop over the z for the nuclide in endf4 but not jeff33 not_in_jeff33_z_list = [] for zamid in not_in_jeff33_zamid: z = get_zamid_z(zamid) not_in_jeff33_z_list.append(z) # loop over the z for the nuclide in jeff33 but not endf4 not_in_endf4_z_list = [] for zamid in not_in_endf4_zamid: z = get_zamid_z(zamid) not_in_endf4_z_list.append(z) # # z list for lib 2 # z_list2 = [] # for zamid in ordered_keys2: # z = get_zamid_z(zamid) # z_list2.append(z) # loop over the a # a list for lib 1 a_list1 = [] for zamid in ordered_keys1: if zamid in ordered_keys2: a = get_zamid_a(zamid) a_list1.append(a) # loop over the a for the nuclide in endf4 but not jeff33 not_in_jeff33_a_list = [] for zamid in not_in_jeff33_zamid: a = get_zamid_a(zamid) not_in_jeff33_a_list.append(a) # loop over the z for the nuclide in jeff33 but not endf4 not_in_endf4_a_list = [] for zamid in not_in_endf4_zamid: a = get_zamid_a(zamid) not_in_endf4_a_list.append(a) # loop over the n # a list for lib 1 n_list1 = [] for zamid in ordered_keys1: if zamid in ordered_keys2: n = get_zamid_n(zamid) n_list1.append(n) # loop over the n for the nuclide in endf4 but not jeff33 not_in_jeff33_n_list = [] for zamid in not_in_jeff33_zamid: n = get_zamid_n(zamid) not_in_jeff33_n_list.append(n) # loop over the n for the nuclide in jeff33 but not endf4 not_in_endf4_n_list = [] for zamid in not_in_endf4_zamid: n = get_zamid_n(zamid) not_in_endf4_n_list.append(n) # check if list overlap # # z list for lib 2 # a_list2 = [] # for zamid in ordered_keys2: # a = get_zamid_a(zamid) # a_list2.append(a) N = len(rel_diff) # Number of labels # setup the plot plt.figure(1) tag = rel_diff# Tag each point with a corresponding label # define the colormap cmap = # extract all colors from the .jet map # cmaplist = [cmap(i) for i in range(cmap.N)] # # create the new map # cmap = cmap.from_list('Custom cmap', cmaplist, cmap.N) # define the bins and normalize bounds = np.linspace(0,N,N+1) #norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(bounds, cmap.N) # make the scatter scat_a_z = plt.scatter(n_list1,z_list1,c=tag,cmap=cmap, marker='s', s = [20]*len(z_list1), norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0,vmin=-100, vmax=max(rel_diff))) #scat_a_z = plt.scatter(a_list1,z_list1,c=tag,cmap=cmap, marker='s', s = [20]*len(z_list1), norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0,vmin=-100, vmax=max(rel_diff))) scat2 = plt.scatter(not_in_jeff33_a_list,not_in_jeff33_z_list, marker = 'o', color='k', s = [20]*len(not_in_jeff33_z_list), label='Not in JEF33') scat3 = plt.scatter(not_in_endf4_a_list,not_in_endf4_z_list, marker = '*', color='k', s = [20]*len(not_in_endf4_z_list), label='Not in ENDF4') #cb = plt.colorbar(scat, spacing='proportional',ticks=bounds) #plt.imshow(ras, cmap=cmap, clim=(elev_min, elev_max), norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint=mid_val,vmin=elev_min, vmax=elev_max)) cb = plt.colorbar(scat_a_z, spacing='proportional') cb.set_label('JEF33 < ENDF4 JEF33 > ENDF4') # create the colorbar plt.title('Relative Difference in Percent between ENDF4 and JEF33 Fission Yields') plt.xlabel('A') plt.ylabel('Z') plt.grid('on') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') plt.legend() # for i, txt in enumerate(label_list): # plt.annotate(txt, (a_list1[i], z_list1[i])) def plot_compare_libs(lib1_path, lib2_path, fissile_parent): fy_dict1 = d.read_fy_lib(lib1_path) fy_dict2 = d.read_fy_lib(lib2_path) unordered_keys1 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict1) unordered_keys2 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict2) ordered_keys1 = order_nuclide_per_z(unordered_keys1) ordered_keys2 = order_nuclide_per_z(unordered_keys2) rel_diff = [] abs_diff = [] nucl_list = [] fy_list1 = [] fy_list2 = [] # sum over fy in list 1 for nuclide in ordered_keys1: fy_1 = fy_dict1[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] fy_list1.append(fy_1) # sum over fy in list 2 for nuclide in ordered_keys2: fy_2 = fy_dict2[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] fy_list2.append(fy_2) for nuclide in ordered_keys1: if nuclide in ordered_keys2: fy_1 = fy_dict1[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] fy_2 = fy_dict2[nuclide][fissile_parent][0] if fy_1 == 0 and fy_2 == 0: rel_diff_val = 0 elif fy_1 == 0 and fy_2 != 0: # if fy1 = 0 but fy2 != 1, set label to 100%. The inverse situation yield - 100% rel_diff_val = 100 else: rel_diff_val = (fy_2 - fy_1)*100/fy_1 abs_diff_val = fy_2 -fy_1 rel_diff.append(rel_diff_val) abs_diff.append(abs_diff_val) nucl_list.append(nuclide) x_vect = [i for i in range(len(rel_diff))] z_vect = [] x_z_vect = [] count = 0 for i in range(len(nucl_list)): if count == 0: z_vect.append(nucl_list[i][:-4]) x_z_vect.append(i) count += 1 if count == 49: count = 0 plt.figure(1) plt.title('Relative percent difference between fission yield data') plt.xticks(x_z_vect, z_vect) plt.plot(x_vect, rel_diff, 'ro') plt.plot(x_vect, [100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-0.0]*len(rel_diff), 'k--') plt.ylabel('Relative percent difference') plt.xlabel('Atomic number') #plt.yscale('log') plt.figure(2) plt.xticks(x_vect, nucl_list) plt.plot(x_vect, rel_diff, 'ro') plt.plot(x_vect, [100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-0.0]*len(rel_diff), 'k--') #plt.yscale('log') plt.figure(3) plt.xticks(x_vect, nucl_list) plt.plot(x_vect, abs_diff, 'ro') # plt.plot(x_vect, [100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') # plt.plot(x_vect, [-100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-0.0]*len(rel_diff), 'k--') def plot_compare_libs_sum_over_parents(lib1_path, lib2_path, parent_list): fy_dict1 = d.read_fy_lib(lib1_path) fy_dict2 = d.read_fy_lib(lib2_path) unordered_keys1 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict1) unordered_keys2 = get_keylist_from_dict(fy_dict2) ordered_keys1 = order_nuclide_per_z(unordered_keys1) ordered_keys2 = order_nuclide_per_z(unordered_keys2) rel_diff = [] abs_diff = [] nucl_list = [] # fy_list1 = [] # fy_list2 = [] # # sum over fy in list 1 # for nuclide in ordered_keys1: # sum_fy = 0 # for parent in parent_list: # sum_fy += fy_dict1[nuclide][parent][0] # fy_list1.append(sum_fy) # # sum over fy in list 2 # for nuclide in ordered_keys2: # sum_fy = 0 # for parent in parent_list: # sum_fy += fy_dict2[nuclide][parent][0] # fy_list2.append(sum_fy) for nuclide in ordered_keys1: if nuclide in ordered_keys2: sum_fy1 = 0 for parent in parent_list: sum_fy1 += fy_dict1[nuclide][parent][0] sum_fy2 = 0 for parent in parent_list: sum_fy2 += fy_dict2[nuclide][parent][0] if sum_fy1 == 0 and sum_fy2 == 0: rel_diff_val = 0 elif sum_fy1 == 0 and sum_fy2!= 0: # if fy1 = 0 but fy2 != 1, set label to 100%. The inverse situation yield - 100% rel_diff_val = 100 else: rel_diff_val = (sum_fy2 - sum_fy1)*100/sum_fy1 abs_diff_val = sum_fy2 -sum_fy1 rel_diff.append(rel_diff_val) abs_diff.append(abs_diff_val) nucl_list.append(nuclide) x_vect = [i for i in range(len(rel_diff))] z_vect = [] x_z_vect = [] count = 0 for i in range(len(nucl_list)): if count == 0: z_vect.append(nucl_list[i][:-4]) x_z_vect.append(i) count += 1 if count == 49: count = 0 plt.figure(1) plt.title('Relative percent difference between fission yield data') plt.xticks(x_z_vect, z_vect) plt.plot(x_vect, rel_diff, 'ro') plt.plot(x_vect, [100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-0.0]*len(rel_diff), 'k--') plt.ylabel('Relative percent difference') plt.xlabel('Atomic number') #plt.yscale('log') plt.figure(2) plt.xticks(x_vect, nucl_list) plt.plot(x_vect, rel_diff, 'ro') plt.plot(x_vect, [100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-0.0]*len(rel_diff), 'k--') #plt.yscale('log') plt.figure(3) plt.xticks(x_vect, nucl_list) plt.plot(x_vect, abs_diff, 'ro') # plt.plot(x_vect, [100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') # plt.plot(x_vect, [-100]*len(rel_diff), 'k') plt.plot(x_vect, [-0.0]*len(rel_diff), 'k--') #### The following functions are mainly used by the NAX module # This method build the fluence sequence until a final time # Warning this function is only valid for non-fissile material as the flux # is the same within each step def get_fluence_seq_until_time(path, cell, final_time): final_step = find_step_from_time(path, cell, final_time) extra_fluence = get_extra_fluence_from_time(path, cell, final_time) fluence_seq = get_fluence_seq(path, cell) fluence_seq_until_time = fluence_seq[:final_step+1] + [fluence_seq[final_step] + extra_fluence] return fluence_seq_until_time def get_fluence_subseq_until_time(path, cell, final_time): final_substep =find_substep_from_time(path, cell, final_time) extra_fluence = get_extra_subfluence_from_time(path, cell, final_time) fluence_subseq = get_fluence_subseq(path, cell) fluence_subseq_until_time = fluence_subseq[:final_substep+1] + [fluence_subseq[final_substep] + extra_fluence] return fluence_subseq_until_time # This function calculate the additional fluence from the previous time point # to where the final time is set def get_extra_fluence_from_time(path, cell, time): step = find_step_from_time(path, cell, time) dens_file = path +'/output_summary/{}_dens'.format(cell) # flux seq has an added zero at the beginning of the arry flux = read_flux(dens_file)[step+1] previous_time_point = read_time_seq(dens_file)[step] time_int = time-previous_time_point return flux*time_int*24*3600 # This function calculate the additional fluence from the previous time point # to where the final time is set # From subdens file def get_extra_subfluence_from_time(path, cell, time): substep = find_substep_from_time(path, cell, time) subdens_file = path +'/{}_subdens'.format(cell) # flux seq has an added zero at the beginning of the arry flux_subseq = read_flux_subseq(subdens_file) flux= flux_subseq[substep] # Subdens output not yet under new format previous_time_point = read_time_seq_old_version(subdens_file)[substep] time_int = time-previous_time_point return flux*time_int*24*3600 def find_step_from_time(path, cell, time): dens_file = path +'/output_summary/{}_dens'.format(cell) time_seq = read_time_seq(dens_file) step = 0 for t in time_seq[1:]: if time <= t: break step += 1 return step def find_substep_from_time(path, cell, time): subdens_file = path +'/{}_subdens'.format(cell) # Subdens output not yet under new format time_seq = read_time_seq_old_version(subdens_file) substep = 0 for t in time_seq[1:]: if time <= t: break substep += 1 return substep def get_step_fluence_length(path, cell): fluence_seq = get_fluence_seq(path, cell) step_fluence_length = [x-y for x,y in zip(fluence_seq[1:], fluence_seq[:-1])] return step_fluence_length def get_pu_subseq_mat(path, cell, EFPD): final_substep =find_substep_from_time(path, cell, EFPD) path = path +'/{}_subdens'.format(cell) name_list = d.Pu_isotopes_name # Subdens output not yet under new format time_subseq = read_time_seq_old_version(path) t_before = time_subseq[final_substep] t_after = time_subseq[final_substep+1] pu_subseq_mat = [] for name in name_list: dens_subseq = read_dens_old_version(name, path) dens_subseq_until_time = dens_subseq[:final_substep+1] dens_before = dens_subseq[final_substep] dens_after = dens_subseq[final_substep+1] pair1 = [t_before, dens_before] pair2 = [t_after, dens_after] interpolated_dens = interpolation_between_two_points(pair1, pair2, EFPD) dens_subseq = dens_subseq_until_time + [interpolated_dens] pu_subseq_mat.append(dens_subseq) return pu_subseq_mat class xs_name_not_found(Exception): """Raise when the user tries to access fission XS for a nuclide which fission XS have not been set yet """ pass # def bucells_average_density(bucell_list, step_list): # bucell_vol_list = [] # system_parameters_file = open(os.getcwd() + '/output_summary/system_parameters')