Source code for onix.utils.reactions_class

""" This module defines multiple Python class that are designed to be used by the user when using
the Python environment to define and launch an onix calculation"""
import math as m
from import list_and_dict
import as d
from .functions import *

[docs]class decay_lib(object): """Decay_lib objects allow users to build and store custom, small size decay libraries. Parameters ---------- id_number: int The id number associated with the decay_lib object """ def __init__(self, id_number): self._id = id_number self._dic = {} self._decay_a = {} self._decay_b = {}
[docs] def add_data(self, zamid, **kwargs): """Add decay data for a specified nuclide to the decay object. **Note**: User can either specify total decay constant (or half life) or specific reactions decay constants (the total decay constant will be deduced from these decay constants). Parameters ---------- zamid: int z-a-m id of the nuclide data: float Keywords should be decay constants names or the halflife. Input should be the value in :math:`s^{-1}` or :math:`s`. Possible keyword entries: - half life - total decay - betaneg - betapos - gamma - alpha - neutron - proton """ if not kwargs: raise Empty_data("No data for {} has been entered".format(zamid)) self._dic[zamid] = kwargs if 'half_life' in kwargs: if kwargs['half_life'] == 'stable': self._dic[zamid]['total decay'] = 0 else: total = m.log(2)/kwargs['half_life'] self._dic[zamid]['total decay'] = total elif 'total' in kwargs: if kwargs['total decay'] == 0: self._dic[zamid]['half_life'] = 'stable' else: half_life = m.log(2)/kwargs['total decay'] self._dic[zamid]['half_life'] = half_life elif 'total' not in kwargs and 'half_life' not in kwargs: total = 0 for i in kwargs: total += kwargs[i] self._dic[zamid]['total decay'] = total half_life = m.log(2)/total self._dic[zamid]['half_life'] = half_life self._create_decay_a(zamid, self._dic[zamid]) self._create_decay_b(zamid, self._dic[zamid])
@property def dic(self): return self._dic def _create_decay_a(self, zamid, dic): self._decay_a[zamid] = dic.copy() self._decay_a[zamid]['half-life'] = self._decay_a[zamid]['half_life'] del self._decay_a[zamid]['half_life'] @property def decay_a(self): """Returns the absolute decay dictionnary of the decay object. This dictionnary has nuclides' z-a-m id as keys and absolute decay sub-dictionnaries as entries. Absolute decay sub-dictionnaries have decay reactions names as keys and corresponding decay constant absolute values in seconds as entries. """ return self._decay_a def _create_decay_b(self, zamid, dic): decay_b = dic.copy() for entries in decay_b: if entries not in ['half_life', 'total decay']: decay_b[entries] = decay_b[entries]/decay_b['total decay'] self._decay_b[zamid] = decay_b self._decay_b[zamid]['half-life'] = self._decay_b[zamid]['half_life'] if self._decay_b[zamid]['half-life'] == 'stable': self._decay_b[zamid]['unit'] = 'n/a' else: self._decay_b[zamid]['unit'] = 's' del self._decay_b[zamid]['half_life'] @property def decay_b(self): """Returns the fractionnal decay dictionnary of the decay object. This dictionnary has nuclides' z-a-m id as keys and fractionnal decay sub-dictionnaries as entries. Fractionnal decay sub-dictionnaries have decay reactions names as keys and corresponding decay constant as fraction of total decay constant for entries. """ return self._decay_b
[docs]class xs_lib(object): """xs_lib objects allow users to build and store custom, small size one-group cross section libraries. Parameters ---------- id_number: int The id number associated with the xs_lib object """ def __init__(self, id_number): self._id_number = id_number self._dict = {} self._xs = {}
[docs] def add_data(self, zamid, **kwargs): """Add cross section data for a specified nuclide to the cross section object. Parameters ---------- zamid: int z-a-m id of the nuclide data: float Keywords should be cross section names. Input should be the value in barn. Possible keyword entries: - ngamma - n2n - n3n - nalpha - fission - removal """ if not kwargs: raise Empty_data("No data for {} has been entered".format(zamid)) self._dict[zamid] = kwargs # If removal is not defined, calculate removal from xs values if 'removal' not in kwargs: removal = 0 for i in kwargs: removal += kwargs[i] self._dict[zamid]['removal'] = removal #xs_dict = self._dict[zamid].copy() xs_dict = {} for key in self._dict[zamid]: correct_key = d.xs_lib_object_name_dict[key] xs_dict[correct_key] = self._dict[zamid][key] for key in xs_dict: xs_dict[key] = [xs_dict[key], 0.0] # Needs to reserve a spot for uncertainties #self.isomeric_branching(zamid, xs_dict) self._xs[zamid] = xs_dict
[docs] def add_xs_dict(self, zamid, xs_dict): """Add cross section data from a cross section disctionnary for a specified nuclide to the cross section object. Parameters ---------- zamid: int z-a-m id of the nuclide xs_dict: dict A dictionnary where keys are cross section names and entries are values in barn. Possible dictionnary entries: - (n,gamma) - (n,2n) - (n,3n) - (n,alpha) - fission - removal """ # If removal is not defined, calculate removal from xs values if 'removal' not in xs_dict: removal = 0 for key in xs_dict: removal += xs_dict[key] xs_dict['removal'] = removal for key in xs_dict: xs_dict[key] = [xs_dict[key], 0.0] # Needs to reserve a spot for uncertainties #self.isomeric_branching(zamid, xs_dict) self._xs[zamid] = xs_dict
# def isomeric_branching(self,zamid, xs_dict): # # This need to be developed later on # # For now, it only set the branching ration for Am241 to Am242/242m # if zamid == '952410' and '(n,gamma)' in xs_dict: # xs_val = xs_dict['(n,gamma)'][0].copy() # xs_dict['(n,gamma)'][0] = xs_val*0.89 # xs_dict['(n,gamma)X'] = [xs_val*0.11, 0.0] # # Pm147 to Pm148/148m (very important for Sm149) # if zamid == '611470' and '(n,gamma)' in xs_dict: # xs_val = xs_dict['(n,gamma)'][0].copy() # xs_dict['(n,gamma)'][0] = xs_val*0.6953 # xs_dict['(n,gamma)X'] = [xs_val*0.3046, 0.0] # This function screens the xs_lib and look for which nuclide ngamma reactions needs to # be branched def _isomeric_branching_weighting(self, isomeric_branching_ratio): for zamid in self._xs: xs_dict = self._xs[zamid] name = zamid_to_name(zamid) mc_name = onix_name_to_openmc_name(name) if mc_name in isomeric_branching_ratio: ngamma_ratio = isomeric_branching_ratio[mc_name]['(n,gamma)'] ngammaX_ratio = isomeric_branching_ratio[mc_name]['(n,gamma)X'] xs_val = xs_dict['(n,gamma)'][0].copy() xs_dict['(n,gamma)'][0] = xs_val*ngamma_ratio xs_dict['(n,gamma)X'] = [xs_val*ngammaX_ratio, 0.0] @property def xs(self): """Returns the cross section dictionnary of the cross section object. This dictionnary has nuclides' z-a-m id as keys and cross section sub-dictionnaries as entries. Cross section sub-dictionnaries have cross sections' names as keys and corresponding values in barn as entries. """ return self._xs
[docs]class fy_lib(object): """fy_lib objects allow users to build and store custom, small size fission yield libraries. Parameters ---------- id_number: int The id number associated with the fy_lib object """ def __init__(self, id_number): self._id = id_number self._dic = {} self._fy = {}
[docs] def add_data(self, zamid, fy_dict): """Add fission yield data from a fission yield dictionnary for a specified nuclide to the fission yield object. Parameters ---------- zamid: int z-a-m id of the nuclide fy_dict: dict A dictionnary where keys are parent actinides' z-a-m id and entries are values in percent (values from 0 to 100). """ self._dic[zamid] = fy_dict fy_dic = self._dic[zamid].copy() for key in fy_dic: fy_dic[key] = [fy_dic[key], 0.0] # Needs to reserve a spot for uncertainties self._fy[zamid] = fy_dic
@property def fy(self): """Returns the fission yield dictionnary of the fission yield object. This dictionnary has nuclides' z-a-m id as keys and fission yield sub-dictionnaries as entries. Fission yield sub-dictionnaries have parent actinides z-a-m id as keys and corresponding fission yield values in percent (values from 0 to 100). """ return self._fy
class Empty_data(Exception): """Raise when the user does not enter any data while add_data has been called for a nuclide""" pass