Source code for onix.utils.functions

# Small tricks and calculations to make the life of a nuclear engineer easier
from math import log
import os
import shutil
from import time_dic
import as d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

NA = 6.02214086e+23

[docs]def decay_to_halflife(decay_constant, unit): """Converts a decay constant into a half life in specified units. Parameters ---------- decay_constant: float Decay constant of the nuclide in :math:`s^{-1}` unit: str Units in which half life is returned Possible unit entries: - 's' for seconds - 'm' for minutes - 'h' for hours - 'd' for days - 'y' for years - '1e3y' for 1000 years - '1e6y' - '1e9y' """ half_life_s = log(2)/decay_constant half_life = half_life_s/time_dic[unit] return half_life
[docs]def halflife_to_decay(half_life, unit): """Converts a half life into a decay constant. User can choose half life input units with the unit parameter. Parameters ---------- half life: float Half life of the nuclide unit: str Units in which half life is entered Possible unit entries: - 's' for seconds - 'm' for minutes - 'h' for hours - 'd' for days - 'y' for years - '1e3y' for 1000 years - '1e6y' - '1e9y' """ half_life_s = half_life*time_dic[unit] decay_constant = log(2)/half_life_s return decay_constant
[docs]def halflife_to_second(half_life, unit): """Converts a half life from specified units into seconds. Parameters ---------- half life: float Half life of the nuclide unit: str Units in which half life is returned Possible unit entries: - 's' for seconds - 'm' for minutes - 'h' for hours - 'd' for days - 'y' for years - '1e3y' for 1000 years - '1e6y' - '1e9y' """ half_life_s = half_life*time_dic[unit] return half_life_s
[docs]def is_int(s): """Check whether an object is an integer. Parameters ---------- s: NA Object to be checked """ try: int(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def is_zamid(string): """Check whether a string is a nuclide's z-a-m id. Parameters ---------- string: str """ statement = True for number in string: if not is_number(number): statement = False return statement
[docs]def is_name(string): """Check whether a string is a nuclide's name. Parameters ---------- string: str """ if '-' in string: return True else: return False
[docs]def is_list_redundant(l): """Check whether a list is redundant. Parameters ---------- l: List List to check """ result = False l_set = set(l) if len(l) > len(l_set): result = True
[docs]def get_list_redundant_elt(l): """Returns the redundant elements in a list. Parameters ---------- l: List List to check """ count_elt = [] for elt in l: if elt in count_elt: redundant_elt.append(elt) else: count_elt.append(elt) return redundant_elt
[docs]def zamid_list_to_name_list(zamid_list): """Converts a list of nuclides' z-a-m ids into a list of names. Parameters ---------- zamid_list: List of str List of z-a-m ids """ name_list = [] for zamid in zamid_list: name = zamid_to_name(zamid) name_list.append(name) return name_list
[docs]def name_list_to_zamid_list(name_list): """Converts a list of nuclides' names into a list of z-a-m ids. Parameters ---------- name_list: List of str List of names """ zamid_list = [] for name in name_list: zamid = name_to_zamid(name) zamid_list.append(zamid) return zamid_list
[docs]def get_zamid_z(zamid): """Gets the atomic number (z) from a nuclide's z-a-m id. Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide """ z = int(zamid[:-4]) return z
[docs]def get_name_z(name): """Gets the atomic number (z) from a nuclide's name. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of a nuclide """ zamid = name_to_zamid(name) z = int(zamid[:-4]) return z
[docs]def get_zamid_a(zamid): """Gets the mass number (a) from a nuclide's z-a-m id. Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide """ a = int(zamid[-4:-1]) return a
[docs]def get_zamid_n(zamid): """Gets the number of neutrons (n) from a nuclide's z-a-m id. Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide """ a = int(zamid[-4:-1]) z = int(zamid[:-4]) return a - z
[docs]def get_zamid_s(zamid): """Gets the state of a nuclide from a its z-a-m id. 1 = first excited state, 0 = ground state. Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide """ s = int(zamid[-1]) return s
[docs]def zamid_to_name(zamid): """Converts a nuclide's z-a-m id into the nuclide's name. Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide """ dic = d.nuc_name_dic if len(zamid) == 5: nz = int(zamid[0:1]) na = int(zamid[1:4]) state = int(zamid[4]) if len(zamid) == 6: nz = int(zamid[0:2]) na = int(zamid[2:5]) state = int(zamid[5]) if len(zamid) == 7: nz = int(zamid[0:3]) na = int(zamid[3:6]) state = int(zamid[6]) if state == 0: nuc_name = '{}-{}'.format(d.nuc_zz_dic[nz], na) else: nuc_name = '{}-{}*'.format(d.nuc_zz_dic[nz], na) return nuc_name
[docs]def name_to_zamid(name): """Converts a nuclide's name into the nuclide's z-a-m id. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of a nuclide """ dic = d.nuc_name_dic elt_name = name.split('-')[0] na = int(name.split('-')[1].replace('*','')) if '*' in name: state = 1 else: state = 0 zzaaam = 10000*d.nuc_name_dic[elt_name] + na*10 + state zamid = str(zzaaam) return zamid
[docs]def get_hm(passlist, hm_vol): """Gets the mass of heavy metal in a Passlist object. Parameters ---------- passlist: onix.Passlist hm_vol: float Volume of the region containing heavy metal """ hmmd = 0 # Heavy Metal Mass Density for i in passlist.passport_list: if int(i.zamid[:-4]) > 90: hmmd += i.current_dens*1E+24*i.mass/NA hm = hmmd*hm_vol return hm
[docs]def get_nucl_atomic_mass(nucl): """Gets the atomic mass of a nuclide (in grams). Parameters ---------- nucl: str Name of a nuclide """ zamid = name_to_zamid(nucl) zaid = zamid[:-1] if zaid in d.default_atm_mass_lib: M = d.default_atm_mass_lib[zaid] else: M = int(get_zamid_a(zamid)) return M
[docs]def convert_mass_to_atom(mass, nuclide): """Converts the mass quantity (in grams) of a given nuclide type into number of atoms. Parameters ---------- mass: float Mass quantity of the nuclide species nuclide: str Name of a nuclide """ if is_name(nuclide): zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide) zaid =zamid[:-1] else: zamid = nuclide zaid =zamid[:-1] molar_mass = d.default_atm_mass_lib[zaid] atom = mass*NA/molar_mass return atom
[docs]def convert_atom_to_mass(atom, nuclide): """Converts the quantity of a given nuclide from number of atoms into mass (in grams). Parameters ---------- atom: float Number of atoms of the nuclide nuclide: str Name of a nuclide """ if is_name(nuclide): zamid = name_to_zamid(nuclide) zaid =zamid[:-1] else: zamid = nuclide zaid =zamid[:-1] molar_mass = d.default_atm_mass_lib[zaid] mass = atom*molar_mass/NA return mass
[docs]def get_bu_sec_conv_factor(vol, ihm): """Computes the factor that converts seconds into burnup units (MWd/kg) from a given volume and a Initial Heavy Metal mass (IHM). Parameters ---------- vol: float Volume of the region ihm: float Initial Heavy Metal mass of the region """ bu_sec_conv_factor = vol*1e-3/(ihm*24*3600) # Unit in L/g return bu_sec_conv_factor
def get_keylist_from_dict(dict): keylist = list(dict.keys()) return keylist
[docs]def get_decay_nucl(decay_a_lib): """Gets the list of nuclides from a decay dictionnary. Parameters ---------- decay_a_lib: dict A decay dictionnary """ decay_nucl = [] for zamid in decay_a_lib: decay_nucl.append(zamid) return decay_nucl
[docs]def get_xs_nucl(xs_lib): """Gets the list of nuclides from a cross section dictionnary. Parameters ---------- xs_lib: dict A cross section dictionnary """ xs_nucl = [] for zamid in xs_lib: xs_nucl.append(zamid) return xs_nucl
[docs]def get_fy_nucl(fy_lib): """Gets the list of fission products from a fission yield dictionnary. Parameters ---------- fy_lib: dict A fission yield dictionnary """ fy_nucl = [] for zamid in fy_lib: fy_nucl.append(zamid) return fy_nucl
def get_all_nucl(list_of_dict): unfiltered_list = [] for dictionary in list_of_dict: unfiltered_list += get_keylist_from_dict(dictionary) all_nucl = list(set(unfiltered_list)) return all_nucl
[docs]def is_lista_in_listb(lista, listb): """Check whether elements from a list (lista) are all contained in another list (listb). Parameters ---------- lista: List listb: List """ result = all(elem in listb for elem in lista) return result
[docs]def get_fy_parent_nucl(fy_lib): """Gets the list of fission parents from a fission yield dictionnary. Parameters ---------- fy_lib: dict A fission yield dictionnary """ fy_nucl = get_fy_nucl(fy_lib) fy_parent = [] sample_zamid = fy_nucl[0] sample = fy_lib[sample_zamid] for fission_parent in sample: fy_parent.append(fission_parent) return fy_parent
def get_cell_folder_path(file_name, *dir_path): folder_name = '{}_cell'.format(file_name) if not dir_path: dir_path = os.getcwd() folder_path = dir_path + '/' + folder_name return folder_path def gen_cell_folder(name, *dir_path): if dir_path: folder_path = get_cell_folder_path(name, dir_path) elif not dir_path: folder_path = get_cell_folder_path(name) if os.path.exists(folder_path): shutil.rmtree(folder_path) os.makedirs(folder_path) def get_folder_path(folder_name, *dir_path): if not dir_path: dir_path = os.getcwd() folder_path = dir_path + '/' + folder_name return folder_path def gen_folder(folder_name, *dir_path): if dir_path: folder_path = get_folder_path(folder_name, dir_path) elif not dir_path: folder_path = get_folder_path(folder_name) if os.path.exists(folder_path): shutil.rmtree(folder_path) os.makedirs(folder_path) # Convert a cell dictionary into a cell list. # Dict keys must be cell IDs # List is ordered according to cells ID def cell_dict_to_cell_list(cell_dict): cell_list = [] for ID in cell_dict: cell_list.append(cell_dict[ID]) changed = True while changed: changed = False for i in range(len(cell_list) - 1): cell_id0 = cell_list[i].id cell_id1 = cell_list[i+1].id if cell_id0 > cell_id1: cell_list[i], cell_list[i+1] = cell_list[i+1], cell_list[i] changed = True return cell_list
[docs]def is_number(s): """Check whether s is a float. Parameters ---------- s: NA """ try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def openmc_name_to_onix_name(name): """Converts a nuclide's name written with OpenMC format ('U235_m1') into ONIX format ('U-235*'). **Note**: ONIX will adopt OpenMC name format in the next release. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of a nuclide in OpenMC format ('U235_m1') """ i = 0 while not is_number(name[i]): i += 1 am = name[i:] am = am.replace('_m1', '*') am = am.replace('m', '*') # used in jeff3.3 am = am.replace('n', '*') # used in jeff3.3 onix_name = name[:i] + '-' + am return onix_name
[docs]def onix_name_to_openmc_name(name): """Converts a nuclide's name written with ONIX format ('U-235*') into OpenMC format ('U235_m1'). **Note**: ONIX will adopt OpenMC name format in the next release. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of a nuclide in ONIX format ('U-235*') """ openmc_name = name.replace('-', '') openmc_name = openmc_name.replace('*','_m1') return openmc_name
[docs]def bu_namelist_to_mc_namelist(name_list): """Converts a list of nuclides' names written with ONIX format ('U-235*') into OpenMC format ('U235_m1'). **Note**: ONIX will adopt OpenMC name format in the next release. Parameters ---------- name_list: List of str List of nuclides' names in ONIX format ('U-235*') """ new_name_list = [] for name in name_list: new_name = onix_name_to_openmc_name(name) new_name_list.append(new_name) return new_name_list
[docs]def mc_namelist_to_bu_namelist(name_list): """Converts a list of nuclides' names written with OpenMC format ('U235_m1') into ONIX format ('U-235*'). **Note**: ONIX will adopt OpenMC name format in the next release. Parameters ---------- name: List of str List of nuclides' names in OpenMC format ('U235_m1') """ new_name_list = [] for name in name_list: new_name = openmc_name_to_onix_name(name) new_name_list.append(new_name) return new_name_list
[docs]def order_nuclide_per_z(nucl_list): """Orders a list of nuclides' z-a-m ids according to their atomic number (z). Parameters ---------- nucl_list: List of str List of nuclides' z-a-m ids """ changed = True while changed: changed = False for i in range(len(nucl_list) - 1): zamid0 = int(nucl_list[i]) zamid1 = int(nucl_list[i+1]) if zamid0 > zamid1: nucl_list[i], nucl_list[i+1] = nucl_list[i+1], nucl_list[i] changed = True return nucl_list
[docs]def order_nuclide_name_per_z(nucl_name_list): """Orders a list of nuclides' names (in OpenMC format) according to their atomic number (z). Parameters ---------- nucl_list: List of str List of nuclides' names """ nucl_name_list_old_format = mc_namelist_to_bu_namelist(nucl_name_list) zamid_list = name_list_to_zamid_list(nucl_name_list_old_format) ordered_zamid_list = order_nuclide_per_z(zamid_list) ordered_nucl_name_list_old_format = zamid_list_to_name_list(ordered_zamid_list) ordered_nucl_name_list = bu_namelist_to_mc_namelist(ordered_nucl_name_list_old_format) return ordered_nucl_name_list
[docs]def order_nuclide_per_a(nucl_list): """Orders a list of nuclides' z-a-m ids according to their mass number (a). Parameters ---------- nucl_list: List of str List of nuclides' z-a-m ids """ changed = True while changed: changed = False for i in range(len(nucl_list) - 1): zamid0 = nucl_list[i] zamid1 = nucl_list[i+1] if zamid0 > zamid1: nucl_list[i], nucl_list[i+1] = nucl_list[i+1], nucl_list[i] changed = True return nucl_list
# set the colormap and centre the colorbar class MidpointNormalize(colors.Normalize): """ Normalise the colorbar so that diverging bars work there way either side from a prescribed midpoint value) e.g. im=ax1.imshow(array, norm=MidpointNormalize(midpoint=0.,vmin=-100, vmax=100)) """ def __init__(self, vmin=None, vmax=None, midpoint=None, clip=False): self.midpoint = midpoint colors.Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip) def __call__(self, value, clip=None): # I'm ignoring masked values and all kinds of edge cases to make a # simple example... x, y = [self.vmin, self.midpoint, self.vmax], [0, 0.5, 1] return, x, y), np.isnan(value))
[docs]def get_openmc_xs_nucl_list(path_to_xs_xml): """Returns the list of nuclides for which there are cross section data in a specified HDF5 cross section library directory (produced with OpenMC). Parameters ---------- path_to_xs_xml: str Path to the cross_sections.xml file in a cross section library """ #path_to_xs_xml = os.environ['OPENMC_CROSS_SECTIONS'] #path_to_xs_xml = '/home/julien/' MC_XS_nucl_list = [] tree = ET.parse(path_to_xs_xml) root = tree.getroot() for child in root: if child.attrib['type'] == 'neutron': MC_XS_nucl_list.append(child.attrib['materials']) # Remove trouble makers # For some reason, OpenMC can't find these nuclides in jeff lib at 800K MC_XS_nucl_list.remove('Cu63') MC_XS_nucl_list.remove('Cu65') MC_XS_nucl_list.remove('Mn55') try: MC_XS_nucl_list.remove('C0') except ValueError: pass try: MC_XS_nucl_list.remove('V0') except ValueError: pass try: MC_XS_nucl_list.remove('Zn0') except ValueError: pass return MC_XS_nucl_list
[docs]def convert_spectrum_to_janis_weighting_format(path_to_simulation, bucell, BU): """Converts a neutron spectrum output file computed in an ONIX simulations to a format suitable to be used to fold cross sections in JANIS4.1. Parameters ---------- path_to_simulation: str Path to an ONIX simulation's directory with a neutron spectrum file bucell: str Name of a BUCell BU: float Burnup level at which the spectrum is to be taken """ path = path_to_simulation +'/output_summary/{}_flux_spectrum'.format(bucell) spectrum_file = open(path) lines = spectrum_file.readlines() #Energy bins energy_bins = lines[0].split()[1:] #Energy mid points energy_mid_points = lines[2].split()[1:] # The data starts at the 7th line for line in lines[6:]: line = line.split() if float(line[1]) == BU: spectrum_lethargy = line[3:] spectrum = [float(x)/float(y) for x,y in zip(spectrum_lethargy, energy_mid_points)] energy_bin_file = open('energy_bin.gst', 'w') txt_bin = 'neutron group structure......anl 299 group\n' for i in range(len(energy_bins)-1): Emin = energy_bins[i] Emax = energy_bins[i+1] txt_bin += '{} {} {}\n'.format(i+1, Emin, Emax) energy_bin_file.write(txt_bin) energy_bin_file.close() spectrum_file = open('spectrum.txt', 'w') txt_spectrum = '' for i in range(len(spectrum)): E = energy_mid_points[i] flux = spectrum[i] txt_spectrum += '{} {}\n'.format(E, flux) spectrum_file.write(txt_spectrum) spectrum_file.close()
[docs]def get_zamid_natural_abundance(zamid): """Gets the natural abundance of a nuclide (values from 0 to 1). Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide """ name_old_format = zamid_to_name(zamid) name_new_format = onix_name_to_openmc_name(name_old_format) nat_abun_dict = d.NATURAL_ABUNDANCE if name_new_format in nat_abun_dict: nat_abun = d.NATURAL_ABUNDANCE[name_new_format] else: nat_abun = 0.0 return nat_abun
[docs]def get_name_natural_abundance(name): """Gets the natural abundance of a nuclide (values from 0 to 1). Parameters ---------- name: str Name of a nuclide """ name_new_format = onix_name_to_openmc_name(name) nat_abun_dict = d.NATURAL_ABUNDANCE if name_new_format in nat_abun_dict: nat_abun = d.NATURAL_ABUNDANCE[name_new_format] else: nat_abun = 0.0 return nat_abun
[docs]def find_zamid_precursor(zamid, reaction): """Finds the precursor of a nuclide via a specified reaction (except fission reactions). Parameters ---------- zamid: str z-a-m id of a nuclide reaction: str Name of the reaction Possible names: - (n,gamma) - (n,2n) - (n,3n) - (n,p) - (n,a) - (n,t) """ xs_prod_fromS_toS = d.xs_prod_fromS_toS zamid_shift = xs_prod_fromS_toS[reaction] precursor_zamid = int(zamid) - 10000*zamid_shift[0] - 10*zamid_shift[1] - zamid_shift[2] return str(precursor_zamid)
def smooth_triangle(data, degree, dropVals=False): triangle=np.array(list(range(degree)) + [degree] + list(range(degree)[::-1])) + 1 smoothed=[] for i in range(degree, len(data) - degree * 2): point=data[i:i + len(triangle)] * triangle smoothed.append(sum(point)/sum(triangle)) if dropVals: return smoothed #smoothed=[smoothed[0]]*int(degree + degree/2) + smoothed # while len(smoothed) < len(data): # smoothed.append(smoothed[-1]) return smoothed def moving_average(data, window): weights = np.repeat(1.0, window)/window smas = np.convolve(data, weights, 'valid') print (smas) print (data[:int(window/2)]) return list(data[:int(window/2)]) + list(smas) + list(data[-int(window/2):-1]) def read_BUCell_vol(path, cell): path_to_parameters = path +'/system_parameters' parameter_file = open(path_to_parameters) lines = parameter_file.readlines() search = 'BuCell' for line in lines: print (line) if line == 'BuCell {}\n'.format(cell): search = 'volume' if search == 'volume': if line.split()[0] == 'Volume': vol = line.split()[3] break return float(vol) # linear interpolation between two points
[docs]def interpolation_between_two_points(pair1, pair2, x): """Linearly interpolates between two points to find the ordinate to a given abscissa value (x). Parameters ---------- pair1: List of two floats pair2: List of two floats x: float Abscissa of the point for which the ordinate is calculated """ a = (pair2[1] - pair1[1])/(pair2[0] - pair1[0]) b = (pair1[1]*pair2[0] - pair1[0]*pair2[1])/(pair2[0] - pair1[0]) y = a*x+b return y
class Empty_argument(Exception): """Raise when the user calls decay_halflife_conv without entering any argument """ pass