Source code for onix.sequence

import onix.utils as utils
from . import data
import numpy
import uncertainties

[docs]class Sequence(object): """The sequence object contains information about the burnup and time sequence that ONIX will follow during simulations. With the sequence object, the user can: - Set the macrosteps for the simultion (points in time or burnup at which ONIX will call OpenMC to update the neutron flux and one-group reaction rates) - Set the microsteps that divide each macrostep (ONIX depletes the system over each microstep) - Set the normalization for each macrostep (flux or power density) - Set operational change during the simulation such as temperature changes, density changes or isotopic changes Each BUCell is automatically associated with a unique copy of the 'master' sequence defined by the user. Each sequence object contains data on the evolution of all relevant quantities (:math:`k_{inf}`, isomeric branchings, neutron flux spectrum, power, flux, burnup and time). """ def __init__(self, id_number): self._id = id_number self._macrostep_vector = None self._macrostep_unit = None self._norma_vector = None self._norma_unit = None self._master_bucell = None self._macrosteps_number = None self._microsteps_number = None # self._time_seq = [0] # self._time_subseq = [[0]] # self._bu_seq = [0] # self._bu_subseq = [[0]] self._current_time = None self._current_bu = None self._time_seq = None self._bu_seq = None self._current_time_subseq = None self._current_bu_subseq = None self._time_subseq_mat = None self._bu_subseq_mat = None # Probably unecessary self._current_time_intvl = None self._current_bu_intvl = None self.__time_intvl_seq = None self.__bu_intvl_seq = None self._current_time_intvl_subseq = None self._current_bu_intvl_subseq = None self._time_intvl_subseq_mat = None self._bu_intvl_subseq_mat = None # Average power density and Total power of the system (same for all cells) self._current_av_pow_dens = None self._current_tot_pow = None self._av_pow_dens_seq = None self._tot_pow_seq = None self._current_av_pow_dens_subseq = None self._current_tot_pow_subseq = None self._av_pow_dens_subseq_mat = None self._tot_pow_subseq_mat = None # Average flux of the system self._av_flux_seq = None # flux and power density for each cell self._current_MC_flux = None self._current_flux_spectrum = None self._current_flux = None self._current_pow_dens = None self._MC_flux_seq = None self._flux_spectrum = None self._flux_seq = None self._pow_dens_seq = None self._current_flux_subseq = None self._current_pow_dens_subseq = None self._MC_flux_subseq_mat = None self._flux_subseq_mat = None self._pow_dens_subseq_mat = None # System kinf self._current_kinf = None self._kinf_seq = None # Cell isotopic branching self._current_isomeric_branching_ratio = None self._isomeric_branching_ratio_seq = None # Isotopic change self._isotopic_change_dict = None # Density change self._density_change_dict = None # Temperature change self._temperature_change_dict = None # def _set_from_input(self, sequence_dict, passlist, bu_sec_conv_factor): # sequence = sequence_dict # self._bu_sec_conv_factor = bu_sec_conv_factor # self.set_sequence(sequence['unit_vector'], sequence['unit']) # self.set_norma(sequence['norma_vector'], sequence['normalization'] ) # self.microstep_vector = sequence['microstep_vector'] # self.flux_approximation = sequence['flux_approximation'] # #self.set_flux_approximation(sequence['flux_approximation']) # self._cell_conversion(passlist, bu_sec_conv_factor, mode) # I AM NOT SO SURE THIS FUNCTION IS STILL NEDDED # SYSTEM CONVERSION ALREADY CREATE TOT_POW, AV_POW_DENS AND TIME/BU SEQ # THE REMAINING (FLUX, POW_DENS, MC_FLUX, TIME/BU), WILL BE DYNAMICALLY # SET DURING THE BURN LOOP # THE ONLY THING NEEDED IS TO SET THE BU_SEC_CONV_FACTOR # def _cell_conversion(self, passlist, bu_sec_conv_factor, mode): # #This method will convert the user input sequence into time, burnup, flux and power sequence if possible # # First, we set the bu_sec_conv_factor to the sequence # self._set_initial_bucell_bu() # # if self._macrostep_unit in ['s', 'm', 'y', 'd']: # # Create the time sequence # # += because self._time_seq is already initialised # self._time_seq += self._macrostep_vector # for s in range(len(self._time_seq)-1): # substeps = self._microstep_vector[s] # #time_intvl += [self._time_seq[i+1]- self._time_seq[i]] # time_intvl = self.get_time_intvl(s+1) # _time_subintvl_val = time_intvl/substeps # self._time_subseq_mat.append([_time_subintvl_val*(j+1) + self._time_seq[s] for j in range(substeps)]) # # self._time_subintvl.append([_time_subintvl_val for j in range(substeps)]) # if mode == 'stand alone': # # If mode is stand alone and power is the normalization, you can directly convert time sequence to bu sequence # if self._norma_unit == 'power': # # Create the bu sequence # self._bu_seq += [a*(b*bu_sec_conv_factor) for a, b in zip(self._time_seq[1:], self._norma_vector)] # for i in range(len(self._bu_seq)-1): # substeps = self._microstep_vector[i] # self._bu_intvl += [self._bu_seq[i+1]- self._bu_seq[i]] # bu_substep_val = self._bu_intvl[i]/substeps # self._bu_subseq.append([bu_substep_val*(j+1) + self._bu_seq[i] for j in range(substeps)]) # self._bu_subintvl.append([bu_substep_val for j in range(substeps)]) # elif self._macrostep_unit == 'MWd/kg': # self._bu_seq += self._macrostep_vector # for i in range(len(self._bu_seq)-1): # substeps = self._substeps[i] # self._bu_intvl += [self._bu_seq[i+1]- self._bu_seq[i]] # bu_substep_val = self._bu_intvl[i]/substeps # self._bu_subseq.append([bu_substep_val*(j+1) + self._bu_seq[i] for j in range(substeps)]) # #self._bu_subintvl.append([bu_substep_val for j in range(substeps)]) # if mode == 'stand alone': # # If mode is stand alone and power is the normalization, you can directly convert bu sequence to time sequence # if self._norma_unit == 'power': # self._time_seq += [a/(b*bu_sec_conv_factor) for a, b in zip(self._bu_seq[1:], self._norma_vector)] # for i in range(len(self._time_seq)-1): # substeps = self._substeps[i] # self._time_intvl += [self._time_seq[i+1]- self._time_seq[i]] # _time_subintvl_val = self._time_intvl[i]/substeps # self._time_subseq.append([_time_subintvl_val*(j+1) + self._time_seq[i] for j in range(substeps)]) # self._time_subintvl.append([_time_subintvl_val for j in range(substeps)]) # # If norma_value is flux then flux_seq is norma_vector # # I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS IN COUPLE MODE SO FAR # if self._norma_unit == 'flux': # # Flux # self._flux_seq = self._norma_vector # for s in range(self._steps_number): # flux_value = self._flux_seq[s] # flux_list = [flux_value]*self._microstep_vector[s] # self._flux_subseq.append(flux_list) # # Initial Power # initial_flux = self._flux_seq[0] # initial_power = self._update_pow_dens(passlist, initial_flux) # self._power_seq.append(initial_power) # # WARNING THIS IS PROBANLY OBSOLETE # # If mode is stand alone and norma_value is power then power_seq is norma_vector # if mode == 'stand alone': # if self._norma_unit == 'power': # # Power # self._power_seq = self._norma_vector # for step in range(self._steps_number): # power_value = self._power_seq[step] # power_list = [power_value]*self._microstep_vector[step] # self._power_subseq.append(power_list) # #Initial flux # initial_power = self._power_seq[0] # initial_flux = self.update_flux(passlist, initial_power) # self.flux = initial_flux # self._flux_seq.append(initial_flux) # THIS SHOULD ONLY BE IMPLEMENTED IN STAND ALONE # COUPLED WILL USE FLUX FROM OPENMC # def _set_initial_flux(self, passlist): # initial_power = self._power_seq[0] # initial_flux = self.update_flux(passlist, initial_power) # self.flux = initial_flux # self._flux_seq.append(initial_flux) def _initial_system_conversion(self, system): total_vol = system.total_vol norma_vector = self.norma_vector norma_mode = self.norma_unit system._set_bu_sec_conv_factor() self._set_initial_time() self._set_initial_system_bu() # Directly create the whole time seq and subseq from macrostep_vector and substeps if self._macrostep_unit in ['s', 'm', 'y', 'd']: # Create the time sequence # += because self._time_seq is already initialised conv_to_sec = data.time_dic[self._macrostep_unit] self._time_seq += [x*conv_to_sec for x in self._macrostep_vector] for s in range(len(self._time_seq)-1): microsteps_number = self._microstep_vector[s] #time_intvl += [self._time_seq[i+1]- self._time_seq[i]] time_intvl = self.get_time_intvl(s+1) time_subintvl_val = time_intvl/microsteps_number self._time_subseq_mat.append([time_subintvl_val*(j+1) + self._time_seq[s] for j in range(microsteps_number)]) if norma_mode == 'power': # Only when norma_unit is power # The initial average power density is used both for s=0 and s=1 self._av_pow_dens_seq = [norma_vector[0]]+norma_vector cm3_to_liter = 1E-3 # av_pow is in kW/l self._tot_pow_seq = [x*total_vol*cm3_to_liter for x in self._av_pow_dens_seq] self._initial_system_time_bu_conversion(system) if norma_mode == 'flux': self._av_flux_seq = [norma_vector[0]]+norma_vector # Right now, I set burnup seq and sub_seq to zeros # so that the print function does not crash # Later improvements will need to develop module to dynmically update # bu. Look at "dynamic_system_time_bu_conversion" self._system_bu_seq = [0]*len(self._time_seq) for s in range(len(self._system_bu_seq)-1): microsteps_number = self._microstep_vector[s] self._system_bu_subseq_mat.append([0 for j in range(microsteps_number)]) elif self._macrostep_unit == 'MWd/kg': # Directly create the whole system_bu seq and subseq from macrostep_vector and microsteps_number self._system_bu_seq += self._macrostep_vector for s in range(len(self._system_bu_seq)-1): microsteps_number = self._microstep_vector[s] system_bu_intvl = self.get_system_bu_intvl(s+1) system_bu_subintvl_val = system_bu_intvl/microsteps_number #self._system_bu_subseq.append([system_bu_substep_val*(j+1) + self._system_bu_seq[i] for j in range(microsteps_number)]) self._system_bu_subseq_mat.append([system_bu_subintvl_val*(j+1) + self._system_bu_seq[s] for j in range(microsteps_number)]) #self._system_bu_subintvl.append([system_bu_substep_val for j in range(microsteps_number)]) if norma_mode == 'power': # Only when norma_unit is power # The initial average power density is used both for s=0 and s=1 self._av_pow_dens_seq = [norma_vector[0]]+norma_vector cm3_to_liter = 1E-3 # av_pow is in kW/l self._tot_pow_seq = [x*total_vol*cm3_to_liter for x in self._av_pow_dens_seq] self._initial_system_bu_time_conversion(system) if norma_mode == 'flux': self._av_flux_seq = [norma_vector[0]]+norma_vector # Right now, I set burnup seq and sub_seq to zeros # so that the print function does not crash # Later improvements will need to develop module to dynmically update # bu. Look at "dynamic_system_time_bu_conversion" self._system_bu_seq = [0]*len(self._time_seq) for s in range(len(self._system_bu_seq)-1): microsteps_number = self._microstep_vector[s] self._system_bu_subseq_mat.append([0 for j in range(microsteps_number)]) # Old version # def _time_bu_substep_conversion(self, powe_dens, s, ss): # if self._macrostep_unit in ['s', 'm', 'y', 'd']: # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s) # _time_subintvl = self._time_subintvl[s][0] # Since d is the user default unit, each time substep has the same length # bu_substep_val = _time_subintvl*self._bu_sec_conv_factor*power # if ss == 0: # self._bu_subintvl.append([]) # self._bu_subseq.append([]) # self._bu_subseq[s+1].append(bu_substep_val + self._bu_seq[-1]) #If this is a new step, the last value is the last step value # else: # self._bu_subseq[s+1].append(bu_substep_val + self._bu_subseq[s+1][-1]) #If this the same step, the last value is the last substep value # self._bu_subintvl[s].append(bu_substep_val) # if ss == microsteps_number - 1: # Time to update bu_step and bu_seq # bu_step = sum(self._bu_subintvl[s]) # self._bu_intvl += [bu_step] # self._bu_seq += [self._bu_seq[-1] + bu_step] # elif self._macrostep_unit == 'MWd/kg': # microsteps_number = self._microsteps_number[s] # bu_substep = self._bu_subintvl[s][0] # Since MWd/kg is the user default unit, each bu substep has the same length # _time_subintvl_val = bu_substep/(self._bu_sec_conv_factor*power) # if i == 0: # self._time_subintvl.append([]) # self._time_subseq.append([]) # self._time_subseq[s+1].append(_time_subintvl_val + self._time_seq[-1]) #If this is a new step, the last value is th # else: # self._time_subseq[s+1].append(_time_subintvl_val + self._time_subseq[s][-1]) #If this the same step, the last value is the last substep value # self._time_subintvl[s].append(_time_subintvl_val) # if i == self._microsteps_number - 1: # Time to update time_step and time_seq # time_step = sum(self._time_subintvl[s]) # self._time_intvl += [time_step] # self._time_seq += [self._time_seq[-1] + time_step] # This convert time_seq and subseq to system bu seq and subseq using av_pow_dens def _initial_system_time_bu_conversion(self, system): av_pow_dens_seq = self._av_pow_dens_seq bu_sec_conv_factor = system.bu_sec_conv_factor macrosteps_number = self.macrosteps_number time_seq = self.time_seq time_subseq_mat = self.time_subseq_mat microstep_vector = self._microstep_vector system_bu = 0 system_bu_seq = [] for s in range(1, macrosteps_number+1): time_intvl = self.get_time_intvl(s) system_bu_intvl = time_intvl*av_pow_dens_seq[s]*bu_sec_conv_factor # the initial power density is is set to both av_pow_dens_seq[0] and av_pow_dens_seq[1] system_bu += system_bu_intvl system_bu_seq.append(system_bu) self._system_bu_seq += system_bu_seq # Incorrect way to calculate system bu from time #self._system_bu_seq += [x*y*bu_sec_conv_factor for x, y in zip(time_seq[1:],av_pow_dens_seq)] for s in range(len(self._system_bu_seq)-1): microsteps_number = self._microstep_vector[s] system_bu_intvl = self.get_system_bu_intvl(s+1) system_bu_subintvl_val = system_bu_intvl/microsteps_number self._system_bu_subseq_mat.append([system_bu_subintvl_val*(j+1) + self._system_bu_seq[s] for j in range(microsteps_number)]) # Bucell can't convert bu to time. Time is converted from BU by system # elif self._macrostep_unit == 'MWd/kg': # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s-1) # bu_subintvl = self.get_bu_subintvl(s,0) # Since MWd/kg is the user default unit, each bu substep has the same length # time_subintvl_val = bu_subintvl/(self._bu_sec_conv_factor*pow_dens) # time_substep_val = time_subintvl_val + self.current_time # self._set_substep_time(time_substep_val, ss) # This convert bu_seq and subseq to time seq and subseq using av_pow_dens def _initial_system_bu_time_conversion(self, system): av_pow_dens_seq = self._av_pow_dens_seq bu_sec_conv_factor = system.bu_sec_conv_factor macrosteps_number = self.macrosteps_number system_bu_seq = self.system_bu_seq system_bu_subseq_mat = self.system_bu_subseq_mat microstep_vector = self._microstep_vector time = 0 time_seq = [] for s in range(1, macrosteps_number+1): system_bu_intvl = self.get_system_bu_intvl(s) time_intvl = system_bu_intvl/(av_pow_dens_seq[s]*bu_sec_conv_factor) # the initial power density is is set to both av_pow_dens_seq[0] and av_pow_dens_seq[1] time += time_intvl time_seq.append(time) self._time_seq += time_seq # Incorrect way to calculate time from system bu #self._time_seq += [x/(y*bu_sec_conv_factor) for x, y in zip(system_bu_seq[1:],av_pow_dens_seq)] for s in range(len(self._time_seq)-1): microsteps_number = self._microstep_vector[s] #time_intvl += [self._time_seq[i+1]- self._time_seq[i]] time_intvl = self.get_time_intvl(s+1) time_subintvl_val = time_intvl/microsteps_number self._time_subseq_mat.append([time_subintvl_val*(j+1) + self._time_seq[s] for j in range(microsteps_number)]) # Looks obsolete # def dynamic_system_time_bu_conversion(self, system, s): # # calculate total power # tot_pow = 0 # for bucell_name in system.bucell_dict: # bucell = bucell_dict[bucell_name] # bucell_vol = bucell.vol # bucell_pow_dens = bucell.current_pow_dens # bucell_pow = bucell_vol*bucell_pow_dens # tot_pow += bucell_pow # system._append_tot_pow_seq(tot_pow) # # total ihm # tot_ihm = system.get_tot_ihm() # #current time # current_time = self.time # This convert time to bucell bu for each substep def _bucell_time_bu_substep_conversion(self, bucell, s, ss): pow_dens = self.current_pow_dens bu_sec_conv_factor = bucell.bu_sec_conv_factor # microsteps_number length is s-1 microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s-1) time_subintvl = self.get_time_subintvl(s, 0) # Since d is the user default unit, each time substep has the same length # print (time_subintvl) # print (bu_sec_conv_factor) # print (pow_dens) bucell_bu_subintvl_val = time_subintvl*bu_sec_conv_factor*pow_dens bucell_bu_substep_val = bucell_bu_subintvl_val + self.current_bucell_bu self._set_substep_bucell_bu(bucell_bu_substep_val, ss) # Bucell can't convert bu to time. Time is converted from BU by system # elif self._macrostep_unit == 'MWd/kg': # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s-1) # bu_subintvl = self.get_bu_subintvl(s,0) # Since MWd/kg is the user default unit, each bu substep has the same length # time_subintvl_val = bu_subintvl/(self._bu_sec_conv_factor*pow_dens) # time_substep_val = time_subintvl_val + self.current_time # self._set_substep_time(time_substep_val, ss) # Update the flux sequence def _set_flux(self, new_flux, s, ss): # Update current flux self.flux = new_flux # If i = 0 (i.e. if we begin a new step), we need to create a new sublist in flux_subseq if ss == 0: self._flux_subseq.append([]) if s > 0: # the first value is already initiated by conversion of openmc self._flux_seq.append(new_flux) self._flux_subseq[-1].append(new_flux) # # In the case of power norma, the flux seq must be updated too # if self._norma_unit == 'power': # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s) # if i == microsteps_number - 1: # Time to update flux_seq # self._flux_seq.append(flux) # Update the flux subsequence (done by ) def _set_subflux(self, new_subflux, ss): # Update current flux self.flux = new_flux # Update current flux subseq self._append_current_flux_subseq(self, new_flux, ss) # # If i = 0 (i.e. if we begin a new step), we need to create a new sublist in flux_subseq # if ss == 0: # self._flux_subseq.append([]) # if s > 0: # the first value is already initiated by conversion of openmc # self._flux_seq.append(new_flux) # self._flux_subseq[-1].append(new_flux) # # In the case of power norma, the flux seq must be updated too # if self._norma_unit == 'power': # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s) # if i == microsteps_number - 1: # Time to update flux_seq # self._flux_seq.append(flux) def _set_subpower(self, new_subpower, ss): # Update current power density self.pow_dens = new_pow_dens # Update current power density subsequence self._append_current_pow_dens_subseq(self, new_subpower, ss) # # If i = 0 (i.e. if we begin a new step), we need to create a new sublist in power_subseq # if ss == 0: # self._power_subseq.append([]) # if s > 0: # the first value is already initiated in conversion # self._power_seq.append(power) # self._power_subseq[s].append(power) # # In the case of flux norma, the power seq must be updated too # if self._norma_unit == 'flux': # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s) # if i == microsteps_number - 1: # Time to update power_seq # self._power_seq.append(power) def _set_power(self, power, s, ss): # If i = 0 (i.e. if we begin a new step), we need to create a new sublist in power_subseq if ss == 0: self._power_subseq.append([]) if s > 0: # the first value is already initiated in conversion self._power_seq.append(power) self._power_subseq[s].append(power) # # In the case of flux norma, the power seq must be updated too # if self._norma_unit == 'flux': # microsteps_number = self.microsteps_number(s) # if i == microsteps_number - 1: # Time to update power_seq # self._power_seq.append(power) # Method provided by MCODE def _get_system_FMF(self, system, s): tot_pow = self.tot_pow_seq[s] # in kW bucell_dict = system.bucell_dict deno = 0 for bucell_id in bucell_dict: bucell = bucell_dict[bucell_id] bucell_sequence = bucell.sequence MC_flux = bucell_sequence.current_MC_flux # MC_flux unit of per source particle vol = bucell.vol # probably useless, MC_flux is already volume integrated passlist = bucell.passlist passport_list = passlist.passport_list conv_Mev_J = 1.60218e-13 conv_J_kJ = 1E-3 fission_energy = 0 for nucl in passport_list: if nucl.get_FAM() == 'ACT' and nucl.current_xs != None: fission_E = nucl.fission_E # xs is obtained by dividing reaction rates (rate per source neutron) by flux ( per source neutron) # and density (cm-3), therefore, xs are just in cm2 fission_xs = nucl.current_xs['fission'][0] dens = nucl.current_dens fission_energy += dens*fission_xs*MC_flux*fission_E*conv_Mev_J*conv_J_kJ #kW deno += fission_energy return tot_pow/deno def _get_bucell_FMF(self, bucell, s): master_pow_dens = self.master_pow_dens_seq[s] # in kW/l (for the master bucell) master_pow = master_pow_dens*vol*1E-3 #vol is in cm3, pow_dens in kW/l bucell_sequence = bucell.sequence MC_flux = bucell_sequence.current_MC_flux # MC_flux unit of per source particle vol = bucell.vol # probably useless, MC_flux is already volume integrated passlist = bucell.passlist passport_list = passlist.passport_list conv_Mev_J = 1.60218e-13 conv_J_kJ = 1E-3 fission_energy = 0 for nucl in passport_list: if nucl.get_FAM() == 'ACT' and nucl.current_xs != None: fission_E = nucl.fission_E # xs is obtained by dividing reaction rates (rate per source neutron) by flux ( per source neutron) # and density (cm-3), therefore, xs are just in cm2 fission_xs = nucl.current_xs['fission'][0] dens = nucl.current_dens fission_energy += dens*fission_xs*MC_flux*fission_E*conv_Mev_J*conv_J_kJ #kW return master_pow/fission_energy ##### steps and norma info ###### @property def macrostep_vector(self): """Returns the macrostep vector.""" return self._macrostep_vector @macrostep_vector.setter def macrostep_vector(self, macrostep_vector): self._macrostep_vector = macrostep_vector @property def macrostep_unit(self): """Returns the units of the macrosteps. """ return self._macrostep_unit @macrostep_unit.setter def macrostep_unit(self, macrostep_unit): self._macrostep_unit = macrostep_unit @property def macrosteps_number(self): """Returns the number of macrosteps.""" return self._macrosteps_number @macrosteps_number.setter def macrosteps_number(self, macrosteps_number): self._macrosteps_number = macrosteps_number
[docs] def set_macrostep(self, macrostep_vector, macrostep_unit): """Sets the macrosteps and its units. Parameters ---------- macrostep_vector:list List of integers defining the points in time or burnup for which OpenMC will be run to update neutron flux and one-group reaction rates. macrostep_unit: str 'MWd/kg' for burnup units or 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'd' for days, and 'y' for years. """ self.macrostep_vector = macrostep_vector self.macrostep_unit = macrostep_unit self.macrosteps_number = len(macrostep_vector)
[docs] def set_norma(self, norma_vector, norma_unit): """Sets the normalization for each macrostep. **Note 1**: In version 0.10, in standalone mode, the flux set by the user is going to be used for all BUCells of the system. In other words, all BUCells will have the same neutron flux. **Note 2**: The user should specify the power density as the total power divided by the total volume of the system. The total volume of the system should include all regions of the system, even regions that are not BUCells (for example, it should include the water region around the fuel BUCell). **Note 3**: In version 0.10, the couple mode can only accept constant power depletion (i.e. the normalization should be against power). The standalone mode can only accept constant flux depletion (i.e. the normalization should be against flux) Parameters ---------- norma_vector:list List of float defining the value of the normalization (kW/l for power density, :math:`cm^{-2}s^{-1}` for neutron flux). macrostep_unit: str 'power' for power density, 'flux' for neutron flux """ self._norma_vector = norma_vector self._norma_unit = norma_unit
@property def norma_vector(self): """Returns the normalization vector.""" return self._norma_vector @norma_vector.setter def norma_vector(self, norma_vector): self._norma_vector = norma_vector @property def norma_unit(self): """Returns the normalization unit.""" return self._norma_unit @norma_unit.setter def norma_unit(self, norma_unit): self._norma_unit = norma_unit @property def master_bucell(self): return self._master_bucell # This method is not yet implemented.
[docs] def set_master_bucell(BUCell): """Sets the BUCell against which macrostep normalization is implemented This feature allows the user to define the sequence steps with the burnup points of the chosen master BUCell By default, the macrostep normalization is implemented against the whole system and thus the burunup points defined for the sequence are those of the whole system""" self._master_bucell = BUCell
@property def isotopic_change_dict(self): return self._isotopic_change_dict """Returns the isotopic change dictionnary set by the user."" """
[docs] def set_isotopic_change(self, cell, cell_isotopic_change, unit='number density'): """Manually changes the isotopic densities of user-specified nuclides in a BUCell for user-specified macrosteps. **Note**: If the method onix.Sequence.set_density_change is also used for the same BUCell, the isotopic change set by the user must be in atom fraction. Parameters ---------- cell: onix.Cell BUCell in which the isotopic change is to be operated cell_isotopic_change: dict A dictionnary where keys are nuclides' name and entries are evolution sub-dictionnaries. The sub-dictionnaries contain desired density evolution per macrostep where keys are macrostep numbers (int) and entries are densities (unit specified by the user). unit: str Specifies the unit for isotopic density evolution. 'number density' (default) for density in atm per :math:`cm^{3}` 'atom fraction' for density as atomic fraction """ # If this is the first cell which is set isotopic change, create the dict if self.isotopic_change_dict == None: self._isotopic_change_dict = {} self._isotopic_change_dict[] = cell_isotopic_change self._isotopic_change_dict[]['unit'] = unit
@property def density_change_dict(self): """Returns the density change dictionnary set by the user."" """ return self._density_change_dict
[docs] def set_density_change(self, cell, cell_density_change): """Manually changes the total density (in atm per :math:`cm^{3}`) of the material of the BUCell for user-specified macrosteps. **Note**: This method trumps the other method "onix.Sequence.set_isotopic_change", i.e., the new isotopic densities set in set_isotopic_change will be renormalized by the new value from set_density_change Parameters ---------- cell: onix.Cell BUCell in which the density change is to be operated cell_density_change: dict A dictionnary where keys are macrostep numbers (int) and entries are densities in atm per :math:`cm^{3}`. """ # If this is the first cell which is set density change, create the dict if self.density_change_dict == None: self._density_change_dict = {} self._density_change_dict[] = cell_density_change
@property def temperature_change_dict(self): """Returns the density change dictionnary set by the user."" """ return self._temperature_change_dict
[docs] def set_temperature_change(self, cell, cell_temperature_change): """Manually changes the temperature (Kelvin) of the material of the BUCell for user-specified macrosteps Parameters ---------- cell: onix.Cell BUCell in which the temperature change is to be operated cell_temperature_change: dict A dictionnary where keys are macrostep numbers (int) and entries are temperature in Kelvin. """ # If this is the first cell which is set density change, create the dict if self.temperature_change_dict == None: self._temperature_change_dict = {} self._temperature_change_dict[] = cell_temperature_change
@property def flux_approximation(self): """Returns the method used for approximating the flux between two microsteps **Note**: This method should not be used by the user in version 0.1""" return self._flux_approximation @flux_approximation.setter def flux_approximation(self, flux_approximation): """Sets the method used for approximating the flux between two microsteps **Note**: This method should not be used by the user in version 0.1""" self._flux_approximation = flux_approximation @property def microstep_vector(self): """Returns the microstep vector """ return self._microstep_vector @microstep_vector.setter def microstep_vector(self, microstep_vector): self._microstep_vector = microstep_vector # bu_sec_conv_factor should be set to each cell or system, not sequence # def set_bu_sec_conv_factor(self, bu_sec_conv_factor): # self._bu_sec_conv_factor = bu_sec_conv_factor # Looks obsolete # def gen_initial_step_folder(self): # name = 'step_0' # utils.gen_folder(name) def _gen_step_folder(self, s): # Folder numbering starts with 1 not 0 name = 'step_{}'.format(s) utils.gen_folder(name)
[docs] def microsteps_number(self, s): """Returns the number of microsteps for macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._microstep_vector[s]
######## Set initial values def _set_initial_time(self): self.current_time = 0.0 self.time_seq = [0.0] self._time_subseq_mat = [[0.0]] def _set_initial_bucell_bu(self): self.current_bucell_bu = 0.0 self.bucell_bu_seq = [0.0] self._bucell_bu_subseq_mat = [[0.0]] def _set_initial_system_bu(self): self.current_system_bu = 0.0 self.system_bu_seq = [0.0] self._system_bu_subseq_mat = [[0.0]] def _set_initial_MC_flux(self, new_MC_flux): self.current_MC_flux = new_MC_flux self.MC_flux_seq = [new_MC_flux] # self._MC_flux_subseq_mat = [[new_MC_flux]] def _set_initial_kinf(self, new_kinf): self.current_kinf = new_kinf self.kinf_seq = [new_kinf] def _set_initial_flux(self, new_flux): self.current_flux = new_flux self.flux_seq = [new_flux] self._flux_subseq_mat = [[new_flux]] def _set_initial_pow_dens(self, new_pow_dens): self.current_pow_dens = new_pow_dens self.pow_dens_seq = [new_pow_dens] self._pow_dens_subseq_mat = [[new_pow_dens]] ######## Set Step values # After the completion of a burn step # Add time to time_seq and add the current time_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_macrostep_time(self): time = self.current_time self._append_time_seq(time) # self._append_time_subseq_mat() # After the completion of a burn step # Add bu to bu_seq and add the current bu_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_macrostep_bucell_bu(self): bucell_bu = self.current_bucell_bu # If this is the fist step if self.bucell_bu_seq == None: self.bucell_bu_seq = [bucell_bu] else: self._append_bucell_bu_seq(bucell_bu) # self._append_flux_subseq_mat() # After an MC simulation # There are no substep MC_flux, therefore, set_macrostep_MC_flux should # be the one to update the current MC_flux def _set_macrostep_MC_flux(self, MC_flux): # If this is the fist step if self.current_MC_flux == None: self.MC_flux_seq = [MC_flux] else: self._append_MC_flux_seq(MC_flux) self.current_MC_flux = MC_flux # self._append_time_subseq_mat() # After an MC simulation # There are no substep MC_flux, therefore, set_macrostep_MC_flux should # be the one to update the current MC_flux def _set_macrostep_flux_spectrum(self, flux_spectrum): # If this is the fist step if self.current_flux_spectrum == None: self.flux_spectrum_seq = [flux_spectrum] else: self._append_flux_spectrum_seq(flux_spectrum) self.current_flux_spectrum = flux_spectrum # self._append_time_subseq_mat() # After an MC simulation # There are no substep kinf (as least calculated by MC), therefore, set_macrostep_kinf should # be the one to update the current kinf def _set_macrostep_kinf(self, kinf): # If kinf from previous cycles have already been stored if isinstance(self.current_kinf, uncertainties.UFloat): self._append_kinf_seq(kinf) # If this is the fist step elif self.current_kinf == None: self.kinf_seq = [kinf] self.current_kinf = kinf # After an MC simulation def _set_macrostep_flux(self, flux): # If this is the fist step if self.current_flux == None: self.flux_seq = [flux] else: self._append_flux_seq(flux) self.current_flux = flux # self._append_flux_subseq_mat() # After an MC simulation def _set_macrostep_pow_dens(self, pow_dens): # If this is the fist step if self.current_pow_dens == None: self.pow_dens_seq = [pow_dens] else: self._append_pow_dens_seq(pow_dens) self.current_pow_dens = pow_dens # self._append_pow_dens_subseq_mat() def _set_macrostep_isomeric_branching_ratio(self, isomeric_branching_ratio): # If this is the fist step if self.current_isomeric_branching_ratio == None: self.isomeric_branching_ratio_seq = [isomeric_branching_ratio] else: self._append_isomeric_branching_ratio_seq(isomeric_branching_ratio) self.current_isomeric_branching_ratio = isomeric_branching_ratio ######## Set Substep values # Add time to time_seq and add the current time_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_substep_time(self, time, ss): self.current_time = time self._append_time_subseq_mat(time, ss) # self._append_current_time_subseq(time, ss) # Add bu to bu_subseq and add the current bu_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_substep_system_bu(self, bu, ss): self.current_system_bu = bu self._append_system_bu_subseq_mat(bu, ss) # Add bu to bu_seq and add the current bu_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_substep_bucell_bu(self, bu, ss): self.current_bucell_bu = bu self._append_bucell_bu_subseq_mat(bu, ss) # self._append_current_bu_subseq(bu, ss) # # After the completion of a burn step # # Add time to time_seq and add the current time_subseq to subseq_mat # def _set_substep_MC_flux(self, MC_flux, ss): # self.current_MC_flux = MC_flux # self._append_MC_flux_subseq_mat(MC_flux, ss) # # self._append_current_MC_flux_subseq(MC_flux, ss) # Add time to time_seq and add the current time_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_substep_flux(self, flux, s, ss): # If this is the first step, first substep if s == 1 and ss == 0: # First bracket is for flux0,0 # append_flux_subseq_mat will put flux 1,0 (but they are the same) self._flux_subseq_mat = [[flux]] self._append_flux_subseq_mat(flux, ss) self.current_flux = flux # self._append_current_flux_subseq(flux, ss) # After the completion of a burn step # Add time to time_seq and add the current time_subseq to subseq_mat def _set_substep_pow_dens(self, pow_dens, s, ss): # If this is the first step if s == 1 and ss == 0: # First bracket is for flux0,0 # append_flux_subseq_mat will put flux 1,0 (but they are the same) self._pow_dens_subseq_mat = [[pow_dens]] self._append_pow_dens_subseq_mat(pow_dens, ss) self.current_pow_dens = pow_dens # self._append_current_pow_dens_subseq(pow_dens, ss) ##### average power density info ###### # Looks obsolete # @property # def av_pow_dens_seq(self): # return self._av_pow_dens_seq ##### total power info ###### # So fat I have decided that total power will only get updated every step # Power density that is currently set @property def current_tot_pow(self): """Returns the current total power of the system. """ if self._current_tot_pow is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_tot_pow @current_tot_pow.setter def current_tot_pow(self, new_tot_pow): self._current_tot_pow = new_tot_pow @property def tot_pow_seq(self): """Returns the sequence of total power of the system. """ return self._tot_pow_seq @tot_pow_seq.setter def tot_pow_seq(self, new_tot_pow_seq): self._tot_pow_seq = new_tot_pow_seq def _append_tot_pow_seq(self, new_tot_pow): self.current_tot_pow = new_tot_pow self._tot_pow_seq.append(new_tot_pow)
[docs] def tot_pow_point(self, s): """Returns the total power value for macrostep s Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._tot_pow_seq[s]
##### time info ###### @property def current_time(self): #Returns the time in second corresponding to the current macrostep or microstep if self._current_time is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_time @current_time.setter def current_time(self, new_time): #Sets the time in second corresponding to the current microstep (or macrostep) self._current_time = new_time @property def time_seq(self): """Returns the macrostep vector in time (seconds). """ return self._time_seq @time_seq.setter def time_seq(self, new_time_seq): self._time_seq = new_time_seq def _append_time_seq(self, new_time): self._time_seq.append(new_time) @property def current_time_subseq(self): #Returns the time microsequence in second corresponding to the current macrostep return self._current_time_subseq def _append_current_time_subseq(self, new_time, ss): # Start of a new step if ss == 0: self._current_time_subseq = [] self.current_time_subseq.append(new_time) @property def time_subseq_mat(self): """Returns a list of time microstep vectors (seconds) where each microstep vector corresponds to one macrostep. """ return self._time_subseq_mat @time_subseq_mat.setter def time_subseq_mat(self, time_subseq_mat): #Sets a list of time microsequences in second where each microsequence correspond to one macrostep self._time_subseq_mat = time_subseq_mat def _append_time_subseq_mat(self, time, ss): #self._time_subseq_mat.append(self.current_time_subseq) if ss == 0: self._time_subseq_mat.append([]) self._time_subseq_mat[-1].append(time)
[docs] def time_point(self, s): """Returns the time (seconds) for macrostep s Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._time_seq[s]
[docs] def time_subpoint(self, s, ss): """Returns the time (seconds) for macrostep s and microstep ss Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ return self._time_subseq_mat[s][ss]
[docs] def get_time_intvl(self, s): """Gets the time interval (seconds) between macrostep s nd macrostep s-1 Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ if s == 0: raise Step_0 ('Step 0 has no interval') time_intvl = self.time_point(s) - self.time_point(s-1) return time_intvl
[docs] def get_time_subintvl(self, s, ss): """Gets the time interval (seconds) between macrostep s and macrostep s-1 Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ if s == 0: raise Step_0 ('Step 0 has no subinterval') if ss == 0: time_subintvl = self.time_subpoint(s, ss) - self.time_point(s-1) else: time_subintvl = self.time_subpoint(s, ss) - self.time_subpoint(s, ss-1) return time_subintvl
##### system bu info ###### @property def current_system_bu(self): if self._current_system_bu is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_system_bu @current_system_bu.setter def current_system_bu(self, new_system_bu): self._current_system_bu = new_system_bu @property def system_bu_seq(self): """Returns the average burnup macrostep vector (MWd/kg) for the whole system. """ return self._system_bu_seq @system_bu_seq.setter def system_bu_seq(self, new_system_bu_seq): self._system_bu_seq = new_system_bu_seq def _append_system_bu_seq(self, new_system_bu): self._system_bu_seq.append(new_system_bu) @property def current_system_bu_subseq(self): return self._current_system_bu_subseq def _append_current_system_bu_subseq(self, new_system_bu, ss): # Start of a new step if ss == 0: self._current_system_bu_subseq = [] self.current_system_bu_subseq.append(new_system_bu) @property def system_bu_subseq_mat(self): """Returns a list of average burnup microstep vectors (MWd/kg) for the whole system where each microstep vector corresponds to one macrostep. """ return self._system_bu_subseq_mat @system_bu_subseq_mat.setter def system_bu_subseq_mat(self, system_bu_subseq_mat): self._bu_subseq_mat = bu_subseq_mat def _append_system_bu_subseq_mat(self, new_system_bu, ss): if ss == 0: self._system_bu_subseq_mat.append([]) self._system_bu_subseq_mat[-1].append(new_system_bu)
[docs] def system_bu_point(self, s): """Returns the average burnup level of the whole system at macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._system_bu_seq[s]
[docs] def system_bu_subpoint(self, s, ss): """Returns the average burnup level of the whole system at macrostep s and microstep ss. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ return self._system_bu_subseq_mat[s][ss]
[docs] def get_system_bu_intvl(self, s): """Gets the average burnup interval for the whole system between macrostep s-1 and macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ if s == 0: raise Step_0 ('Step 0 has no interval') system_bu_intvl = self.system_bu_point(s) - self.system_bu_point(s-1) return system_bu_intvl
[docs] def get_system_bu_subintvl(self, s, ss): """Gets the average burnup interval for the whole system between microstep ss-1 and microstep ss for macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ if s == 0: raise Step_0 ('Step 0 has no subinterval') if ss == 0: system_bu_subintvl = self.system_bu_subpoint(s, ss) - self.system_bu_point(s-1) else: system_bu_subintvl = self.system_bu_subpoint(s, ss) - self.system_bu_subpoint(s, ss-1) return system_bu_subintvl
##### bucell bu info ###### # Power density that is currently set @property def current_bucell_bu(self): #Returns burnup level of current macro or microstep for the BUCell if self._current_bucell_bu is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_bucell_bu @current_bucell_bu.setter def current_bucell_bu(self, new_bucell_bu): #Returns burnup level of current macro or microstep for the BUCell self._current_bucell_bu = new_bucell_bu @property def bucell_bu_seq(self): """Returns the burnup macrostep vector (MWd/kg) for the BUCell. """ return self._bucell_bu_seq @bucell_bu_seq.setter def bucell_bu_seq(self, new_bucell_bu_seq): self._bucell_bu_seq = new_bucell_bu_seq def _append_bucell_bu_seq(self, new_bucell_bu): self._bucell_bu_seq.append(new_bucell_bu) @property def current_bucell_bu_subseq(self): return self._current_bucell_bu_subseq def _append_current_bucell_bu_subseq(self, new_bucell_bu, ss): # Start of a new step if ss == 0: self._current_bucell_bu_subseq = [] self.current_bucell_bu_subseq.append(new_bucell_bu) @property def bucell_bu_subseq_mat(self): """Returns a list of burnup microstep vectors (MWd/kg) for the BUCell where each microstep vector corresponds to one macrostep. """ return self._bucell_bu_subseq_mat @bucell_bu_subseq_mat.setter def bucell_bu_subseq_mat(self, bucell_bu_subseq_mat): self._bu_subseq_mat = bu_subseq_mat def _append_bucell_bu_subseq_mat(self, new_bucell_bu, ss): if ss == 0: self._bucell_bu_subseq_mat.append([]) self._bucell_bu_subseq_mat[-1].append(new_bucell_bu)
[docs] def bucell_bu_point(self, s): """Returns the burnup level of the BUCell at macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._bucell_bu_seq[s]
[docs] def bucell_bu_subpoint(self, s, ss): """Returns the burnup level of the BUCell at macrostep s and microstep ss. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ return self._bucell_bu_subseq_mat[s][ss]
[docs] def get_bucell_bu_intvl(self, s): """Gets the burnup interval for the BUCell between macrostep s-1 and macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ if s == 0: raise Step_0 ('Step 0 has no interval') bucell_bu_intvl = self.bucell_bu_point(s) - self.bucell_bu_point(s-1) return bucell_bu_intvl
[docs] def get_bucell_bu_subintvl(self, s, ss): """Gets the burnup interval for the BUCell between microstep ss-1 and microstep ss for macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ if s == 0: raise Step_0 ('Step 0 has no subinterval') if ss == 0: bucell_bu_subintvl = self.bucell_bu_subpoint(s, ss) - self.bucell_bu_point(s-1) else: bucell_bu_subintvl = self.bucell_bu_subpoint(s, ss) - self.bucell_bu_subpoint(s, ss-1) return bucell_bu_subintvl
##### flux info ###### # Power density that is currently set @property def current_flux(self): #Returns neutron flux of current macro or microstep for BUCell if self._current_flux is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_flux @current_flux.setter def current_flux(self, new_flux): #Sets neutron flux of current macro or microstep for BUCell self._current_flux = new_flux @property def flux_seq(self): """Returns the neutron flux macrostep vector (:math:`cm^{-2}s^{-1}`) for the BUCell. """ return self._flux_seq @flux_seq.setter def flux_seq(self, new_flux_seq): self._flux_seq = new_flux_seq def _append_flux_seq(self, new_flux): self._flux_seq.append(new_flux) @property def current_flux_subseq(self): return self._current_flux_subseq def _append_current_flux_subseq(self, new_flux, ss): # Start of a new step if ss == 0: self._current_flux_subseq = [] self.current_flux_subseq.append(new_flux) @property def flux_subseq_mat(self): """Returns a list of neutron flux microstep vectors (:math:`cm^{-2}s^{-1}`) for the BUCell where each microstep vector corresponds to one macrostep. """ return self._flux_subseq_mat def _append_flux_subseq_mat(self, flux, ss): # self.flux_subseq_mat.append(self.current_flux_subseq) if ss == 0: self._flux_subseq_mat.append([]) self._flux_subseq_mat[-1].append(flux)
[docs] def flux_point(self, s): """Returns the neutron flux of the BUCell at macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._flux_seq[s]
[docs] def flux_subpoint(self, s, ss): """Returns the neutron flux of the BUCell at macrostep s and microstep ss. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ return self._flux_subseq_mat[s][ss]
##### pow_dens info ###### # Power density that is currently set @property def current_pow_dens(self): #Returns power density of current macro or microstep for BUCell if self._current_pow_dens is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_pow_dens @current_pow_dens.setter def current_pow_dens(self, new_pow_dens): self._current_pow_dens = new_pow_dens @property def pow_dens_seq(self): """Returns the power density macrostep vector (:math:`kW/l`) for the BUCell. """ return self._pow_dens_seq @pow_dens_seq.setter def pow_dens_seq(self, new_pow_dens_seq): self._pow_dens_seq = new_pow_dens_seq def _append_pow_dens_seq(self, new_pow_dens): self._pow_dens_seq.append(new_pow_dens) @property def current_pow_dens_subseq(self): """Returns the power density microsequence of current macrostep for BUCell""" return self._current_pow_dens_subseq def _append_current_pow_dens_subseq(self, new_pow_dens, ss): # Start of a new step if ss == 0: self._current_pow_dens_subseq = [] self.current_pow_dens_subseq.append(new_pow_dens) @property def pow_dens_subseq_mat(self): """Returns a list of power density microstep vectors (:math:`kW/l`) for the BUCell where each microstep vector corresponds to one macrostep. """ return self._pow_dens_subseq_mat def _append_pow_dens_subseq_mat(self, pow_dens, ss): # self.pow_dens_subseq_mat.append(self.current_pow_dens_subseq) if ss == 0: self._pow_dens_subseq_mat.append([]) self._pow_dens_subseq_mat[-1].append(pow_dens)
[docs] def pow_dens_point(self, s): """Returns the power density of the BUCell at macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._pow_dens_seq[s]
[docs] def pow_dens_subpoint(self, s, ss): """Returns the neutron flux of the BUCell at macrostep s and microstep ss. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. ss: int Microstep number ss. """ return self._pow_dens_subseq_mat[s][ss]
##### MC_flux info ###### # Power density that is currently set @property def current_MC_flux(self): #Returns normalized neutron flux of current macro or microstep for BUCell if self._current_MC_flux is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_MC_flux @current_MC_flux.setter def current_MC_flux(self, new_MC_flux): self._current_MC_flux = new_MC_flux @property def MC_flux_seq(self): """Returns the Monte Carlo neutron flux macrostep vector (:math:`cm^{-2}s^{-1}` per source particle) for the BUCell. """ return self._MC_flux_seq @MC_flux_seq.setter def MC_flux_seq(self, new_MC_flux_seq): self._MC_flux_seq = new_MC_flux_seq def _append_MC_flux_seq(self, new_MC_flux): self._MC_flux_seq.append(new_MC_flux)
[docs] def MC_flux_point(self, s): """Returns the Monte Carlo neutron flux of the BUCell at macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._MC_flux_seq[s]
##### flux_spectrum info ###### @property def current_flux_spectrum(self): #Returns flux spectrum of current macrostep for BUCell if self._current_flux_spectrum is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_flux_spectrum @current_flux_spectrum.setter def current_flux_spectrum(self, new_flux_spectrum): self._current_flux_spectrum = new_flux_spectrum @property def flux_spectrum_seq(self): """Returns a list of 300-group neutron flux arrays, one array per macrostep for the BUCell. """ return self._flux_spectrum_seq @flux_spectrum_seq.setter def flux_spectrum_seq(self, new_flux_spectrum_seq): self._flux_spectrum_seq = new_flux_spectrum_seq def _append_flux_spectrum_seq(self, new_flux_spectrum): self._flux_spectrum_seq.append(new_flux_spectrum) ##### kinf info ###### # Power density that is currently set @property def current_kinf(self): if self._current_kinf is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_kinf @current_kinf.setter def current_kinf(self, new_kinf): self._current_kinf = new_kinf @property def kinf_seq(self): """Returns the multiplication factor macrostep vector for the BUCell. """ return self._kinf_seq @kinf_seq.setter def kinf_seq(self, new_kinf_seq): self._kinf_seq = new_kinf_seq def _append_kinf_seq(self, new_kinf): self._kinf_seq.append(new_kinf)
[docs] def kinf_point(self, s): """Returns the multiplication factor of the BUCell at macrostep s. Parameters ---------- s: int Macrostep number s. """ return self._kinf_seq[s]
##### branching ratio info ###### @property def current_isomeric_branching_ratio(self): #Returns isomeric branching ratios of current macro or microstep for BUCell if self._current_isomeric_branching_ratio is None: pass # define exception for undefined variable return self._current_isomeric_branching_ratio @current_isomeric_branching_ratio.setter def current_isomeric_branching_ratio(self, new_isomeric_branching_ratio): self._current_isomeric_branching_ratio = new_isomeric_branching_ratio @property def isomeric_branching_ratio_seq(self): """Returns the isomeric branching ratios macrostep vector for the BUCell. """ return self._isomeric_branching_ratio_seq @isomeric_branching_ratio_seq.setter def isomeric_branching_ratio_seq(self, new_isomeric_branching_ratio_seq): self._isomeric_branching_ratio_seq = new_isomeric_branching_ratio_seq def _append_isomeric_branching_ratio_seq(self, new_isomeric_branching_ratio_seq): self._isomeric_branching_ratio_seq.append(new_isomeric_branching_ratio_seq)
class Step_0(Exception): """Raise when the user try to access subinterval for the first step""" pass