Source code for onix.salameche.cram

"""Compute the solution of the matricial depletion equation using the CRAM method"""
import numpy as np
import warnings
import time

[docs]def CRAM16(At,N_0): """CRAM uses a Chebishev Rational Approximation Method of order 16 to compute the solution of the matricial depletion equation. Parameters ---------- At: numpy.array Depletion matrix multiplied by the time interval over which nuclides are depleted N_0: numpy.array Initial nuclides' densities vector """ print ('CRAM CALLED') t0 = time.time() lN = len(N_0) theta = np.array([ -1.0843917078696988026e1 +1.9277446167181652284e1j, -5.2649713434426468895 +1.6220221473167927305e1j, +5.9481522689511774808 +3.5874573620183222829j, +3.5091036084149180974 +8.4361989858843750826j, +6.4161776990994341923 +1.1941223933701386874j, +1.4193758971856659786 +1.0925363484496722585e1j, +4.9931747377179963991 +5.9968817136039422260j, -1.4139284624888862114 +1.3497725698892745389e1j], dtype = np.complex256) alpha_0 = np.complex256(2.1248537104952237488e-16 + 0.0j) alpha = np.array([ -5.0901521865224915650e-7 -2.4220017652852287970e-5j, +2.1151742182466030907e-4 +4.3892969647380673918e-3j, +1.1339775178483930527e2 +1.0194721704215856450e2j, +1.5059585270023467528e1 -5.7514052776421819979j, -6.4500878025539646595e1 -2.2459440762652096056e2j, -1.4793007113557999718 +1.7686588323782937906j, -6.2518392463207918892e1 -1.1190391094283228480e1j, +4.1023136835410021273e-2 -1.5743466173455468191e-1j], dtype = np.complex256) l = len(theta) N = N_0*0 _N = np.zeros((lN),dtype=np.complex128) for i in range(l): term1 = At - theta[i]*np.identity(np.shape(At)[0]) term2 = alpha[i]*N_0 _N += np.linalg.solve(term1,term2) N = 2*_N.real N = N + alpha_0*N_0 # For some reason here N is still complex and not only real print('CRAM took:{} s'.format(time.time() - t0)) return N.real
# CRAM is yielding non zero values for nuclides that should be at zero because no one is producing them # This algorithm check which nuclide are in this situation and set their density to zero
[docs]def CRAM_reality_check(bucell, index_dic, N): """This functions checks against negative and extremely small densities (same as onix.salameche.CRAM_density_check). In addition, it compares the calculated new densities with the BUCell.leave attribute (this attribute enables to know which isotopes should be produced or not during depletion). The comparison enables the function to detect nuclides that have a non-zero density but should have a zero density. Likewise, it can detect nuclides that should be produced but have zero density. Parameters ---------- bucell: onix.Cell BUCell being depleted index_dict: dict Dictionnary where keys are nuclides z-a-m id and entries are their indexes in the density vector N: numpy.array New density vector solution to the depletion equation """ print('reality check called') passlist = bucell.passlist leaves = bucell.leaves fission_leaves = bucell.fission_leaves total_leaves = leaves + fission_leaves negative_count = 0 small_count = 0 intruder_count = 0 missing_count = 0 for nuc_pass in passlist: nuc_zamid = nuc_pass.zamid nuc_name = nuc_dens = nuc_pass.dens index = index_dic[nuc_pass.zamid] N_val = N[index] # if nuc_name == 'Au-200': # print nuc_name, nuc_zamid # print nuc_dens if N_val < 0: # warnings.warn('NEGATIVE: Nuclide {}/{} has a negative density of {}'.format(nuc_name, nuc_zamid, N_val)) N[index] = 0.0 negative_count += 1 N_val = N[index] if N_val < 1e-24: # warnings.warn('TOO SMALL: Nuclide {}/{} has a density of {} below 1e-24'.format(nuc_name, nuc_zamid, N_val)) N[index] = 0.0 small_count += 1 N_val = N[index] if nuc_zamid in total_leaves and N_val == 0: # warnings.warn('MISSING: Nuclide {} has a density of 0 while it belongs to the creation tree'.format(nuc_name)) missing_count += 1 elif nuc_zamid not in total_leaves and N_val != 0: # warnings.warn('INTRUDER: Nuclide {} has a density of {} while it is not in the creation tree'.format(nuc_name, N_val )) intruder_count += 1 print(('There are {} negative'.format(negative_count))) print(('There are {} too small'.format(small_count))) print(('There are {} intruders'.format(intruder_count))) print(('There are {} missings'.format(missing_count)))
[docs]def CRAM_density_check(bucell, N): """This function checks for extremely low densities and negative densities. Densities below one atom per cubic centimeter are set to zero. Negative densities are produced by mathematical approximations inherent to the CRAM method and therefore do not bear any physical meaning. They are also set to zero. Parameters ---------- bucell: onix.Cell BUCell being depleted N: numpy.array New density vector solution to the depletion equation """ passlist = bucell.passlist index_dict = passlist.get_index_dict() passport_list = passlist.passport_list negative_count = 0 small_count = 0 for nuc_pass in passport_list: nuc_zamid = nuc_pass.zamid nuc_name = index = index_dict[nuc_pass.zamid] N_val = N[index] if N_val < 0: #warnings.warn('NEGATIVE: Nuclide {}/{} has a negative density of {}'.format(nuc_name, nuc_zamid, N_val)) N[index] = 0.0 negative_count += 1 N_val = N[index] if N_val < 1e-24: #warnings.warn('TOO SMALL: Nuclide {}/{} has a density of {} below 1e-24'.format(nuc_name, nuc_zamid, N_val)) N[index] = 0.0 small_count += 1 print(('There are {} negative'.format(negative_count))) print(('There are {} too small'.format(small_count)))