Source code for

import os
import math as m
import numpy as np
from .list_and_dict import *
import openmc

[docs]def read_mass_lib(mass_lib_path): '''Reads a mass library and returns a Python dictionnary with nuclides' zamid as keys and mass in grams as entries. **Note**: Library must be compatible with ONIX format. Parameters ---------- mass_lib_path: str Path to the mass library ''' mass_list = {} with open(mass_lib_path, 'r') as atm_mass_file: line = atm_mass_file.readlines() for i in range(40, 3352): if line[i][0] == ' ': nz, na = int(line[i].split()[2]), int(line[i].split()[3]) elif line[i][0] == '0': nz, na = int(line[i].split()[3]), int(line[i].split()[4]) zaid = str(1000*nz + na) _mass = line[i].split()[-3:-1] # This part is to convert the weird number format of mass.mass12 into a normal format mass_deci = _mass[1].replace('.','').replace('#','') # mass_deci = '{}{}'.format(_mass[1].split('.')[0], _mass[1].split('.')[1]) mass = float('{}.{}'.format(_mass[0], mass_deci)) mass_list[zaid] = mass return mass_list
[docs]def read_decay_lib(decay_lib_path): '''Reads a decay library and returns a Python dictionnary with nuclides' zamid as keys and decay sub-dictionnaries as entries. Decay sub-dictionnaries have decay reactions names as keys and corresponding decay constant as fraction of total decay constant for entries. **Note**: Library must be compatible with ONIX format. Parameters ---------- decay_lib_path: str Path to the decay library ''' with open(decay_lib_path, 'r') as decay_file: lines = decay_file.readlines() dict_list = {} previous_zamid = lines[3].split()[1] new_nuclide = 'yes' # Data starts at line 4 count = 0 for i in range(len(lines)-3): #for line in lines[3:]: line = lines[i+3] line = line.split() # This part check if the new line is about a new nuclide if count != 0: col_1_val = line[0] if col_1_val != previous_zamid: new_nuclide = 'yes' if new_nuclide == 'yes': if count != 0: dict_list[previous_zamid] = data_dict data_dict = {} new_nuclide = 'no' zamid = line[1] previous_zamid = zamid if line[2] == 'stable': data_dict = 'stable' else: data_dict['half-life'] = float(line[3]) total_decay = m.log(2)/float(line[3]) data_dict['total decay'] = total_decay else: data_dict[line[1]] = float(line[2]) # If this is the last line, we need to add the last dictionrary if i == len(lines)-4: dict_list[previous_zamid] = data_dict count += 1 return dict_list
[docs]def conv_decay_b_a(decay_b): """Converts a fractionnal decay constant dictionnary to an absolute decay constant dictionnary (fractionnal decay dictionnary stores decay constant as fraction over total decay constant, absolute decay dictionnary stores absolute values of decay constants). **Note**: Library must be compatible with ONIX format. Parameters ---------- decay_b: dict The fractionnal decay constant dictionnary to be converted """ decay_a = {} for i in decay_b: if decay_b[i] == 'stable': decay_a[i] = 'stable' else: decay_a[i] = {} decay_a[i]['half-life'] = decay_b[i]['half-life'] decay_a[i]['total decay'] = decay_b[i]['total decay'] for reac in decay_b[i]: if reac not in ['half-life', 'total decay']: decay_a[i][reac] = decay_b[i][reac]*decay_b[i]['total decay'] return decay_a
# Outdated version for decay. Adapted for ORIGEN lib format # def read_decay_lib(decay_lib_path): # with open(decay_lib_path, 'r') as decay_file: # line = decay_file.readlines() # dic_list = {} # r = 0 # for l in line: # if r == 0: # if len(l.split()) > 1 and l.split()[0].split('-')[0] in nuc_name_dic: # zamid = l.split()[1] # unit = l.split()[2] # val = l.split()[3] # dic_list[zamid] = {'unit':val} # r = r + 1 # elif r > 0 and r < 6: # decay = l.split()[1] # val = l.split()[2] # dic_list[zamid][decay] = val # r = r + 1 # elif r == 6 : # decay = l.split()[1] # val = l.split()[2] # dic_list[zamid][decay] = val # r = 0 # decay_b_dic = {} # for i in dic_list: # dic = dic_list[i] # decay_b_dic[i] = {} # if dic['unit'] == 'stable': # for j in range(9): # decay_b_dic[i][decay_key_b[j]] = stable_dic_b[j] # else: # hl_s = float(time_dic[dic['unit']]*float(dic['half-life'])) # total_decay = m.log(2)/hl_s # # WARNING, while the X in origen are fraction of their respective decay (betanegX is shown as fraction of betaneg), here it is shown as fraction of total decay # decay_b_dic[i]['unit'] = dic['unit'] # decay_b_dic[i]['half-life'] = float(dic['half-life']) # decay_b_dic[i]['total'] = total_decay # rest = (1 - float(dic['betapos']) -float(dic['alpha']) - float(dic['gamma'])) # The rest, i.e., what should be betaneg and betanegX # if rest < 0: # Because ORIGEN is messed up and sometimes, the addition of the other reactions is bigger than one # rest = 0 # decay_b_dic[i]['betaneg'] = rest*(1 - float(dic['betanegX'])) # decay_b_dic[i]['betanegX'] = rest*float(dic['betanegX']) # decay_b_dic[i]['betapos'] = float(dic['betapos']) # decay_b_dic[i]['betaposX'] = float(dic['betapos'])*float(dic['betaposX']) # decay_b_dic[i]['alpha'] = float(dic['alpha']) # decay_b_dic[i]['gamma'] = float(dic['gamma']) # return decay_b_dic # def conv_decay_b_a(decay_b): # decay_a = {} # for i in decay_b: # decay_a[i] = {} # if decay_b[i]['half-life'] == 'stable': # for j in range(8): # decay_a[i][decay_key_a[j]] = stable_dic_a[j] # else: # # decay_a[i]['half-life'] = float(decay_b[i]['half-life']*time_dic[decay_b[i]['unit']]) # # decay_a[i]['total'] = decay_b[i]['total'] # # decay_a[i]['betaneg'] = (1 - decay_b[i]['betapos'] -decay_b[i]['alpha'] - decay_b[i]['gamma'])*decay_b[i]['total']*(1 - decay_b[i]['betanegX']) # # decay_a[i]['betanegX'] = (1 - decay_b[i]['betapos'] - decay_b[i]['alpha'] - decay_b[i]['gamma'])*decay_b[i]['total']*decay_b[i]['betanegX'] # # decay_a[i]['betapos'] = decay_b[i]['betapos']*decay_b[i]['total'] # # decay_a[i]['betaposX'] = decay_b[i]['betaposX']*decay_a[i]['betapos'] # # decay_a[i]['alpha'] = decay_b[i]['alpha']*decay_b[i]['total'] # # decay_a[i]['gamma'] = decay_b[i]['gamma']*decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['half-life'] = float(decay_b[i]['half-life']*time_dic[decay_b[i]['unit']]) # decay_a[i]['total'] = decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['betaneg'] = decay_b[i]['betaneg']*decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['betanegX'] = decay_b[i]['betanegX']*decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['betapos'] = decay_b[i]['betapos']*decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['betaposX'] = decay_b[i]['betaposX']*decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['alpha'] = decay_b[i]['alpha']*decay_b[i]['total'] # decay_a[i]['gamma'] = decay_b[i]['gamma']*decay_b[i]['total'] # # total = decay_a[i]['total'] # # expo = np.floor(m.log10(total)) # # if i == '621460': # # print(expo) # # print((decay_a[i])) # return decay_a
[docs]def read_xs_lib(xs_lib_path): '''Reads a constant one-group cross section library and returns a Python dictionnary with nuclides' zamid as keys and cross section sub-dictionnaries as entries. Cross section sub-dictionnaries have reactions names as keys and corresponding cross section values in barns as entries. **Note**: Library must be compatible with ONIX format. Parameters ---------- xs_lib_path: str Path to the constant one-group cross section library ''' with open(xs_lib_path, 'r') as xs_file: line = xs_file.readlines() r = 0 xs_dic = {} for l in line: # if r == 0: # if len(l.split()) > 1 and l.split()[0].split('-')[0] in nuc_name_dic: # zamid = l.split()[1] # xs = l.split()[2] # val = [float(k) for k in l.split()[3:5]] # removal_val += removal_val + val[0] # xs_dic[zamid] = {xs:val} # summ[0] = summ[0] + val[0] # r = 1 # elif r > 0: # if l.split()[1] == 'removal': # r = 0 # xs = l.split()[1] # val = [float(k) for k in l.split()[2:4]] # xs_dic[zamid][xs] = val if len(l.split()) > 1 and l.split()[0].split('-')[0] in nuc_name_dic: zamid = l.split()[1] xs = l.split()[2] val = [float(k) for k in l.split()[3:5]] xs_dic[zamid] = {xs:val} r = 1 elif len(l.split()) > 1 and r == 1: xs = l.split()[1] val = [float(k) for k in l.split()[2:4]] xs_dic[zamid][xs] = val else: r=0 # Add the removal entry and values to the dic for zamid in xs_dic: removal_val = 0 for xs in xs_dic[zamid]: removal_val += xs_dic[zamid][xs][0] xs_dic[zamid]['removal'] = [0, 0] xs_dic[zamid]['removal'][0] = removal_val # Add the removal uncertainty values to the dic for zamid in xs_dic: removal_unc = 0 if xs_dic[zamid]['removal'][0] != 0: # if removal = 0 then no need to go through the following for xs in xs_dic[zamid]: val_weight = xs_dic[zamid][xs][0]/xs_dic[zamid]['removal'][0] removal_unc += xs_dic[zamid][xs][1]*val_weight xs_dic[zamid]['removal'][1] = removal_unc return xs_dic
[docs]def read_fy_lib(fy_lib_path): '''Reads a fission yield library and returns a Python dictionnary with fissio products' zamid as keys and fission yield sub-dictionnaries as entries. Fission yield sub-dictionnaries have actinide parents names as keys and corresponding fission yield in percent as entries (values from 0 to 100). **Note**: Library must be compatible with ONIX format. Parameters ---------- fy_lib_path: str Path to the fission yield library ''' with open(fy_lib_path, 'r') as fy_file: line = fy_file.readlines() r = 0 read = 0 fy_dic = {} for i in range(0,len(line)): l = line[i] if l == '--- Fission Products Yields ---\n': read = 1 if read == 1: # This is the first line for the nuclide if r == 0: if len(l.split()) > 1 and l.split()[0].split('-')[0] in nuc_name_dic: zamid = l.split()[1] father_nuc = l.split()[2] fy = [float(k) for k in l.split()[3:5]] fy_dic[zamid] = {father_nuc:fy} r = 1 # This is not the first line for the nuclide elif r > 0: father_nuc = l.split()[1] fy = [float(k) for k in l.split()[2:4]] fy_dic[zamid][father_nuc] = fy # If this the last line of the file, exit of the loop if i == len(line) - 1: break # If next line is a new nuclide and is not empty, reset r to 0 elif len(l.split()) > 1 and line[i+1].split()[0].split('-')[0] in nuc_name_dic: r = 0 return fy_dic
[docs]def xs_mat_from_Btxt(Btxt_path): '''Builds a neutron-induced transmutation matrix from a compressed matrix stored in a text file. Parameters ---------- Btxt_path: str Path to the compressed matrix file ''' Btxt = open(Btxt_path, 'r') B_line = Btxt.readlines() N = len(B_line) xs_mat = np.zeros((N,N)) for line in B_line: data = line.split('|')[1] row = int(data.split(':')[0]) col_data = data.split(':')[1].split(',') col_data.remove('\n') #The format of Ctxt and Btxt contains a last coma that needs to be removed for data in col_data: col = int(data.split()[0]) val = float(data.split()[1]) xs_mat[row][col] = val return xs_mat
[docs]def decay_mat_from_Ctxt(Ctxt_path): '''Builds a decay matrix from a compressed matrix stored in a text file. Parameters ---------- Ctxt_path: str Path to the compressed matrix file ''' Ctxt = open(Ctxt_path, 'r') C_line = Ctxt.readlines() N = len(C_line) decay_mat = np.zeros((N,N)) for line in C_line: data = line.split('|')[1] row = int(data.split(':')[0]) col_data = data.split(':')[1].split(',') col_data.remove('\n') #The format of Ctxt and Btxt contains a last coma that needs to be removed for data in col_data: col = int(data.split()[0]) val = float(data.split()[1]) decay_mat[row][col] = val return decay_mat
[docs]def nucl_list_from_txt(mattxt_path): '''Builds a list of nuclides from a compressed matrix stored in a text file. Parameters ---------- mattxt_path: str Path to the compressed matrix file ''' mattxt = open(mattxt_path, 'r') mat_line = mattxt.readlines() N = len(mat_line) nucl_list = [] for line in mat_line: zamid = line.split('|')[0] nucl_list.append(zamid) return nucl_list
# This might not be appropriate to have this function here as it needs OpenMC
[docs]def read_isomeric_data(): """Reads the EAF-2010 activation transmutation neutron nuclear data library and returns a point-wise isomeric branching dictionnary for (n,gamma) reactions. The keys of the dictionnary are nuclides and entries are isomeric branching subdictionnaries. The keys of these subdictionnaries are the state of the product daughter (ground state or first excited state) and the entries are the corresponding point-wise isomeric branching ratio. """ # This command will find the absolute path of # Since is located in data, the default isomeric data is just in __file__path + '/isomeric_data/eaf-2010-multiplicities' __file__path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) isomeric_data_path = __file__path+ '/isomeric_data/eaf-2010-multiplicities' # onix does not consider branching that goes to 2nd excited state file_name_list = [x for x in os.listdir(isomeric_data_path) if '_2.' not in x] isomeric_branching_dict = {} for file_name in file_name_list: name = file_name.replace('.csv', '') target_name = name.split('_')[0] target_state = name.split('_')[1] daughter_state = name.split('_')[3] if target_state == '1': nucl_name = target_name + '_m1' else: nucl_name = target_name if nucl_name not in isomeric_branching_dict: isomeric_branching_dict[nucl_name] = {} file = open(isomeric_data_path + '/' + file_name, 'r') lines = file.readlines() energy_grid = [] data = [] for line in lines[1:]: line = line.split(',') energy_grid.append(float(line[1])) data.append(float(line[2])) tabulated_data =, data) isomeric_branching_dict[nucl_name][daughter_state] = tabulated_data # for some reason some parasitycal element are added to the dict (ex:.~lock.I129) # These lines remove them wrong_entries = [] for key in isomeric_branching_dict: if 'lock' in key: wrong_entries.append(key) for key in wrong_entries: del isomeric_branching_dict[key] return isomeric_branching_dict