
class onix.utils.decay_lib(id_number)[source]

Decay_lib objects allow users to build and store custom, small size decay libraries.


id_number (int) – The id number associated with the decay_lib object

add_data(zamid, **data)[source]

Add decay data for a specified nuclide to the decay object.

Note: User can either specify total decay constant (or half life) or specific reactions decay constants (the total decay constant will be deduced from these decay constants).

  • zamid (int) – z-a-m id of the nuclide

  • data (float) –

    Keywords should be decay constants names or the halflife. Input should be the value in \(s^{-1}\) or \(s\). Possible keyword entries:

    • half life

    • total decay

    • betaneg

    • betapos

    • gamma

    • alpha

    • neutron

    • proton

property decay_a

Returns the absolute decay dictionnary of the decay object. This dictionnary has nuclides’ z-a-m id as keys and absolute decay sub-dictionnaries as entries. Absolute decay sub-dictionnaries have decay reactions names as keys and corresponding decay constant absolute values in seconds as entries.

property decay_b

Returns the fractionnal decay dictionnary of the decay object. This dictionnary has nuclides’ z-a-m id as keys and fractionnal decay sub-dictionnaries as entries. Fractionnal decay sub-dictionnaries have decay reactions names as keys and corresponding decay constant as fraction of total decay constant for entries.