
onix.nax.review_selected_ratio_candidates(NAX_cell, operation_history, path, selected_list, ratio_uncertainty, cut_off=None)[source]

This function plots a series of graphs containing isotopic ratios evolution and their associated relative errors on fluence for a selected list of provided ratios and for a given operation history. It can be used to identify potential good fluence indicators.

Detail description: the function builds (n,gamma) chains from all isotopes which are available in the one-group cross section library with onix.nax.list_NAX_ng_chain_from_output. Then, it depletes chains which contain the selected ratios provided by the user with a simple and fast analytical integrator (based on Bateman solution) according to the operation history provided. The obtained isotopic evolutions are used to construct ratios evolution as well as relative error on fluence associated with these ratios. Both ratios evolution and relative errors on fluence are displayed on graphs for the user to assess good fluence indicators.

Note: Since the relative error on fluence depends on the relative error on the measured ratios, the user must provide an assumed relative error that affect ratios measurements. These uncertainties affecting measurements depend on the isotopes densities, the ratio values and the technology used to measure the ratios. ONIX makes the approximation that the uncertainties affecting all ratios are the same.

  • NAX_cell (str) – Name of the BUCell for which fluence indicators are to be identified

  • operation_history (List of Tuples) – Irradiation history of the reactor. This history can include successive fuel batches of different types. Each tuples represent the operation of a batch. The first element of the Tuple is the Batch object (onix.nax.Batch) corresponding to the batch type and the second element is the number of days for which this fuel batch has been run.

  • path (str) – Path to the simulation’s directory

  • selected_list (List of str) – List of nuclide’s names selected by the user

  • ratio_uncertainty (float) – Assumed uncertainty on the measured ratios provided by the user